
SaaS PaaS IaaS吗?

现在有各种各样的云服务,比如亚马逊的EC2和AWS、Apache Hadoop、微软Azure和许多其他云服务。它们分别属于哪一类,为什么?


正如所有人都很好地解释了云计算模型。所以我想要描绘出这三种模式IaaS, PaaS, SaaS w.r.t. AWS服务和它们的消费者。




AWS EC2 Rackspace 谷歌计算引擎(GCE) 数字海洋 Magento 1企业版 甲骨文云 Vultr


AWS弹性豆茎 Heroku Windows Azure Force.com OpenShift Apache Stratos Magento商业云


谷歌应用程序 Salesforce Dropbox MailChimp的 ZenDesk DocuSign 松弛 Hubspot的 思科 网讯 同意 进行交流



基础层 处理虚拟机,存储(硬盘),服务器,网络,负载均衡器等


IAAS之上的一层 运行时(如java运行时),数据库(如mySql, Oracle), Web服务器(tomcat等)


PAAS上的一个层 应用程序,如电子邮件(Gmail,雅虎邮件等),社交网站(Facebook等)


IAAS: 谷歌计算引擎(可以开发在高性能谷歌计算基础设施上运行的程序)

PAAS: 谷歌应用程序引擎(一个可以开发应用程序,让他们在谷歌应用程序引擎上执行,它负责执行)

SAAS: Gmail,谷歌+等(可以使用电子邮件服务,并扩展基于电子邮件/谷歌+的应用程序,以形成更新的应用程序)




亚马逊网络服务(AWS) 谷歌计算引擎,谷歌应用引擎 微软Azure 有许多中小型云运营商,包括IBM、甲骨文等。



PAAS (Platform as a Service) is more popular among developers as they can put all their concentration on developing their apps and leave the rest of management and execution to the service provider. Many service providers also offer the flexibility to increase/decrease the CPU power depending upon the traffic loads giving developers cost effective and easy & effortless management. SAAS (Software as a service) is more popular among with consumers, who bother about using the application such as email, social networking etc IAAS (Infrastructure as a service) is more popular among users into research and high computing areas.

SaaS: Software as a Service Cloud application services or “Software as a Service” (SaaS) are probably the most popular form of cloud computing and are easy to use. SaaS uses the Web to deliver applications that are managed by a third-party vendor and whose interface is accessed on the clients’ side. Most SaaS applications can be run directly from a Web browser, without any downloads or installations required. SaaS eliminates the need to install and run applications on individual computers. With SaaS, it’s easy for enterprises to streamline their maintenance and support, because everything can be managed by vendors: applications, runtime, data, middleware, O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking. Gmail is one famous example of an SaaS mail provider.

PaaS: Platform as a Service The most complex of the three, cloud platform services or “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) deliver computational resources through a platform. What developers gain with PaaS is a framework they can build upon to develop or customize applications. PaaS makes the development, testing, and deployment of applications quick, simple, and cost-effective, eliminating the need to buy the underlying layers of hardware and software. One comparison between SaaS vs. PaaS has to do with what aspects must be managed by users, rather than providers: With PaaS, vendors still manage runtime, middleware, O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking, but users manage applications and data.

IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service Cloud infrastructure services, known as “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS), deliver computer infrastructure (such as a platform virtualization environment), storage, and networking. Instead of having to purchase software, servers, or network equipment, users can buy these as a fully outsourced service that is usually billed according to the amount of resources consumed. Basically, in exchange for a rental fee, a third party allows you to install a virtual server on their IT infrastructure. Compared to SaaS and PaaS, IaaS users are responsible for managing more: applications, data, runtime, middleware, and O/S. Vendors still manage virtualization, servers, hard drives, storage, and networking. What users gain with IaaS is infrastructure on top of which they can install any required platforms. Users are responsible for updating these if new versions are released.

除此之外,我还使用过AWS, heroku,目前使用Jelastic并发现-

Jelastic提供Java和PHP云托管平台。Jelastic自动扩展Java和PHP应用程序并分配服务器资源,从而提供真正的下一代Java和PHP云计算。 http://blog.jelastic.com/2013/04/16/elastic-beanstalk-vs-jelastic/ 或 http://cloud.dzone.com/articles/jelastic-vs-heroku-1


Jelastic更快 你不需要编写任何jelastic api -只需上传你的应用程序和 选择你的堆栈。您还可以在 会的。


正如所有人都很好地解释了云计算模型。所以我想要描绘出这三种模式IaaS, PaaS, SaaS w.r.t. AWS服务和它们的消费者。