这个问题以前可能被问过,但没有明确的答案。如何在Retrofit请求的主体中发布原始的整个JSON ?
I just want to clarify this with the restperts once and for all. One person answered not to use Retrofit. The other was not certain of the syntax. Another thinks yes it can be done but only if its form url-encoded and placed in a field (that's not acceptable in my case). No, I can't re-code all the services for my Android client. And yes, it's very common in major projects to post raw JSON instead of passing over JSON content as field property values. Let's get it right and move on. Can someone point to the documentation or example that shows how this is done? Or provide a valid reason why it can/should not be done.
interface Foo {
FooResponse postJson(@Body FooRequest body);
public class FooRequest {
final String foo;
final String bar;
FooRequest(String foo, String bar) {
this.foo = foo;
this.bar = bar;
FooResponse = foo.postJson(new FooRequest("kit", "kat"));
现在,如果你真的非常想自己发送“原始”JSON作为正文(但请使用Gson !),你仍然可以使用TypedInput:
interface Foo {
FooResponse postRawJson(@Body TypedInput body);
Use TypedByteArray to send raw bytes and the JSON mime type:
String json = "{\"foo\":\"kit\",\"bar\":\"kat\"}";
TypedInput in = new TypedByteArray("application/json", json.getBytes("UTF-8"));
FooResponse response = foo.postRawJson(in);
Subclass TypedString to create a TypedJsonString class:
public class TypedJsonString extends TypedString {
public TypedJsonString(String body) {
@Override public String mimeType() {
return "application/json";
And then use an instance of that class similar to #1.
@Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
Call<CommonResponse> setPreferences(@Body RequestData request);
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class RequestData {
private String accessToken;
private Data data;
// The above 'Data' is another similar class to add inner JSON objects. JSONObject within a JSONObject.
public void setAccessToken(String accessToken) {
this.accessToken = accessToken;
public void setData(Data data) {
this.data = data;