One more consideration. I recently implemented a scheme in which some sensitive data posted to a PHP script needed to convert and return it as an encrypted cookie, that used all base64 values I thought were guaranteed 'safe". So I dutifully encrypted the data items using RC4, ran the output through base64_encode, and happily returned the cookie to the site. Testing seemed to go well until a base64 encoded string contained a "+" symbol. The string was written to the page cookie with no trouble. Using the browser diagnostics I could also verify the cookies was written unchanged. Then when a subsequent page called my PHP and obtained the cookie via the $_COOKIE array, I was stammered to find the string was now missing the "+" sign. Every occurrence of that character was replaced with an ASCII space.
// from browser to PHP. substitute troublesome chars with
// other cookie safe chars, or vis-versa.
function fix64($inp) {
$out =$inp;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($inp); $i++) {
$c = $inp[$i];
switch ($c) {
case '+': $c = '*'; break; // definitly won't transfer!
case '*': $c = '+'; break;
case '=': $c = ':'; break; // = symbol seems like a bad idea
case ':': $c = '='; break;
default: continue;
$out[$i] = $c;
return $out;
Here I'm simply substituting "+" (and I decided "=" as well) with other "cookie safe" characters, before returning the encoded value to the page, for use as a cookie. Note that the length of the string being processed doesn't change. When the same (or another page on the site) runs my PHP script again, I'll be able to recover this cookie without missing characters. I just have to remember to pass the cookie back through the same fix64() call I created, and from there I can decode it with the usual base64_decode(), followed by whatever other decryption in your scheme.
cookie规范有两个版本 1. 版本0 cookie,即Netscape cookie, 2. 版本1又名RFC 2965 cookie 在版本0中,cookie的名称和值部分是字符序列,如果不与双引号一起使用,则不包括分号、逗号、等号和空格 版本1要复杂得多,你可以在这里检查 在这个版本中,除了名称不能以$符号开头之外,名称值部分的规格几乎相同
几年前,MSIE 5或5.5(可能两者都有)在HTML块中有一些严重的“-”问题,如果你能相信的话。虽然它没有直接的关系,但自从我们在cookie中存储了一个MD5散列(只包含字母和数字)来查找服务器端数据库中的所有其他内容以来。
IE和Edge还有一个有趣的问题。名称中包含超过1个句点的cookie似乎会被无声地删除。 所以 如此:
cookie_name_a = valuea
而这个会被放弃 = valuea
One more consideration. I recently implemented a scheme in which some sensitive data posted to a PHP script needed to convert and return it as an encrypted cookie, that used all base64 values I thought were guaranteed 'safe". So I dutifully encrypted the data items using RC4, ran the output through base64_encode, and happily returned the cookie to the site. Testing seemed to go well until a base64 encoded string contained a "+" symbol. The string was written to the page cookie with no trouble. Using the browser diagnostics I could also verify the cookies was written unchanged. Then when a subsequent page called my PHP and obtained the cookie via the $_COOKIE array, I was stammered to find the string was now missing the "+" sign. Every occurrence of that character was replaced with an ASCII space.
// from browser to PHP. substitute troublesome chars with
// other cookie safe chars, or vis-versa.
function fix64($inp) {
$out =$inp;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($inp); $i++) {
$c = $inp[$i];
switch ($c) {
case '+': $c = '*'; break; // definitly won't transfer!
case '*': $c = '+'; break;
case '=': $c = ':'; break; // = symbol seems like a bad idea
case ':': $c = '='; break;
default: continue;
$out[$i] = $c;
return $out;
Here I'm simply substituting "+" (and I decided "=" as well) with other "cookie safe" characters, before returning the encoded value to the page, for use as a cookie. Note that the length of the string being processed doesn't change. When the same (or another page on the site) runs my PHP script again, I'll be able to recover this cookie without missing characters. I just have to remember to pass the cookie back through the same fix64() call I created, and from there I can decode it with the usual base64_decode(), followed by whatever other decryption in your scheme.
A <cookie-name> can be any US-ASCII characters except control characters (CTLs), spaces, or tabs. It also must not contain a separator character like the following: ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " / [ ] ? = { }. A <cookie-value> can optionally be set in double quotes and any US-ASCII characters excluding CTLs, whitespace, double quotes, comma, semicolon, and backslash are allowed. Encoding: Many implementations perform URL encoding on cookie values, however it is not required per the RFC specification. It does help satisfying the requirements about which characters are allowed for though.