我只是追加 虚拟机 C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe



--launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m 
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe




我用的是64位的Windows 7。 使用Eclipse Neon 1a。



请看消息框的第二行。在这里,您可以看到实际上启动了哪个java运行时。我的突然变成了C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe。这发生在我安装了“chrome java更新器”之后(chrome浏览器抱怨说:“你的java已经过时了,你必须更新……”)。

Before this "chrome java update" my eclipse (luna jee x64) started without error. Looking closer to the background I detected following: the chrome java updater (notabene started from an Oracle site) added C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath in front of the env var PATH. It contains three symbolic links to the newest java 8 JRE installation in (x86) program folder -> hence to a 32 bit java JRE. Oracle replaces with Java8 the old technique having the symlinks in system32 (64bit) resp. SysWOW64 (32bit).

Meanwhile I learned. Whatever java installer you have executed last (the *.exe) leads windows to remember that java flavour (32b or 64b), with the result that after an update the links in C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath point to a java installation of the remembered flavour. If you have a 64b eclipse installation and encounter the described error: just re-install the newest 64b JDK. After that the java updates do no more link to a 32b version. And eclipse 64b will start correctly without the entry in eclipse.ini .

当然,最好不是Eclipse 3.1。Java . x和Java 7。我通过升级到Eclipse 3.8.x解决了这个问题。




In my opinion the most answers here regarding different architectures of Eclipse and Java are simply wrong and this can be easily checked using e.g. Process Monitor under Windows. The -vm option is there to run a specific version of java and the point of it is, that the configured process is started and runs all the Java code on its own, that's why you configure up to java.exe. In that case you DON'T need to have the same architecture for Eclipse and Java, but can happily mix both 32 Bit and 64 Bit. You only CAN'T mix both, if you DON'T use -vm, but let Eclipse load Java natively into its own process using jvm.dll and such. That latter behavior is Eclipse's default, but not the case anymore if you properly configure -vm in eclipse.ini.


不能运行Eclipse;JVM终止。退出代码= 13


And now for the reason I came here: Ony of my customers had some problems loading one of our Eclipse/OSGI based applications as well and Java exited with exit code 13. In the end it showed that the problem was not about -vm or the architectures of Java and eclipse.exe, but instead he was simply missing config.ini and I guess eclipse.exe wasn't aware what to load or such. After we recognized that and put a config.iniback in place, the app loaded fine with using -vm and a 64 Bit JRE7 in combination with a 32 Bit eclipse.exe.