<form action="javascript:sendMail();" name="pmForm" id="pmForm" method="post">
Enter Friend's Email:
<input name="pmSubject" id="pmSubject" type="text" maxlength="64" style="width:98%;" />
<input name="pmSubmit" type="submit" value="Invite" />
function sendMail() {
/* ...code here... */
var ConvertedFileStream;
var g_recipient;
var g_subject;
var g_body;
var g_attachmentname;
function SendMailItem(p_recipient, p_subject, p_body, p_file, p_attachmentname, progressSymbol) {
// Email address of the recipient
g_recipient = p_recipient;
// Subject line of an email
g_subject = p_subject;
// Body description of an email
g_body = p_body;
// attachments of an email
g_attachmentname = p_attachmentname;
SendC360Email(g_recipient, g_subject, g_body, g_attachmentname);
function SendC360Email(g_recipient, g_subject, g_body, g_attachmentname) {
var flag = confirm('Would you like continue with email');
if (flag == true) {
try {
//p_file = g_attachmentname;
//var FileExtension = p_file.substring(p_file.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
// FileExtension = FileExtension.toUpperCase();
SendMailHere = true;
//if (FileExtension != "PDF") {
// if (confirm('Convert to PDF?')) {
// SendMailHere = false;
// }
if (SendMailHere) {
var objO = new ActiveXObject('Outlook.Application');
var objNS = objO.GetNameSpace('MAPI');
var mItm = objO.CreateItem(0);
if (g_recipient.length > 0) {
mItm.To = g_recipient;
mItm.Subject = g_subject;
// if there is only one attachment
// p_file = g_attachmentname;
// mAts.add(p_file, 1, g_body.length + 1, g_attachmentname);
// If there are multiple attachment files
//Split the files names
var arrFileName = g_attachmentname.split(";");
// alert(g_attachmentname);
var mAts = mItm.Attachments;
for (var i = 0; i < arrFileName.length; i++)
p_file = arrFileName[i];
if (p_file.length > 0)
//mAts.add(p_file, 1, g_body.length + 1, g_attachmentname);
mAts.add(p_file, i, g_body.length + 1, p_file);
mItm.Body = g_body;
mItm.GetInspector.WindowState = 2;
} catch (e) {
alert('Unable to send email. Please check the following: \n' +
'1. Microsoft Outlook is installed.\n' +
'2. In IE the SharePoint Site is trusted.\n' +
'3. In IE the setting for Initialize and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe is Enabled in the Trusted zone.');
Email = {
Send : function (to,from,subject,body,apikey)
if (apikey == undefined)
apikey = Email.apikey;
var nocache= Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) + 1);
var strUrl = "http://directtomx.azurewebsites.net/mx.asmx/Send?";
strUrl += "apikey=" + apikey;
strUrl += "&from=" + from;
strUrl += "&to=" + to;
strUrl += "&subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject);
strUrl += "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(body);
strUrl += "&cachebuster=" + nocache;
apikey : "",
addScript : function(src){
var s = document.createElement( 'link' );
s.setAttribute( 'rel', 'stylesheet' );
s.setAttribute( 'type', 'text/xml' );
s.setAttribute( 'href', src);
document.body.appendChild( s );
window.onload = function(){
Email.apikey = "-- Your api key ---";