有没有办法在README中渲染LaTex ?md在GitHub存储库?我在谷歌上搜索了堆栈溢出,但没有一个相关的答案似乎可行。






不需要设置任何东西。 用数学写下Markdown 显示数学: ' '的数学 E ^{i\pi} + 1 = 0 ' ' ' 直线数学$ ' a^2 + b^2 = c^2 ' (语法类似于GitLab。) 工作的明暗背景。(数学有文字颜色) 你可以像复制粘贴文本一样复制粘贴数学

作为一个例子,看看这个GitHub README:





我测试了其他人提出的一些解决方案,我想推荐TeXify在agurodriguez的评论中创建和提出,并由Tom Hale进一步描述-我想发展他的答案,并给出一些理由,为什么这是一个非常好的解决方案:

TeXify is wrapper of Readme2Tex (mention in Lee answer). To use Readme2Tex you must install a lot of software in your local machine (python, latex, ...) - but TeXify is github plugin so you don't need to install anything in your local machine - you only need to online installation that plugin in you github account by pressing one button and choose repositories for which TeXify will have read/write access to parse your tex formulas and generate pictures. When in your repository you create or update *.tex.md file, the TeXify will detect changes and generate *.md file where latex formulas will be exchanged by its pictures saved in tex directory in your repo. So if you create README.tex.md file then TeXify will generate README.md with pictures instead tex formulas. So parsing tex formulas and generate documentation is done automagically on each commit&push :) Because all your formulas are changed into pictures in tex directory and README.md file use links to that pictures, you can even uninstall TeXify and all your old documentation will still works :). The tex directory and *.tex.md files will stay on repository so you have access to your original latex formulas and pictures (you can also safely store in tex directory your other documentation pictures "made by hand" - TeXify will not touch them). You can use equations latex syntax directly in README.tex.md file (without loosing .md markdown syntax) which is very handy. Julii in his answer proposed to use special links (with formulas) to external service e.g . http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?s%3D%5Ctext%20%7B%20sensor%20reading%20%7D which is good however has some drawbacks: the formulas in links are not easy (handy) to read and update, and if there will be some problem with that third-party service your old documentation will stop work... In TeXify your old documentation will works always even if you uninstall that plugin (because all your pictures generated from latex formulas are stay in repo in tex directory). The Yuchao Jiang in his answer, proposed to use Jupyter Notebook which is also nice however have som drawbacks: you cannot use formulas directly in README.md file, you need to make link there to other file *.ipynb in your repo which contains latex (MathJax) formulas. The file *.ipynb format is JSON which is not handy to maintain (e.g. Gist don't show detailed error with line number in *.ipynb file when you forgot to put comma in proper place...).





使用这个链接 小心乳胶需要url编码,但其他工作对我来说很好。






