





What I have done it to change the input type="text" to a multi line input ie. overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:hidden; vertical-align:middle; resize: none; A quick explanation of the code: The overflow-x and -y hidden wil disable the scroll buttons on the right of the textarea box. The vertial algin will align the lable vertical middle with the text area and the resize: none will disable the resize grabber at the bottom right of the textarea. In essance it means that your textarea will appear like a textbox, but with chrome autofill off.



<style>.stylish { position:absolute; top:-2000px; }</style>
<input id="_____fake_email_remembered" class="stylish" tabindex="-1"  type="email" name="email_autofill"/> 
<input id="_____fake_userName_remembered" class="stylish" tabindex="-1"  type="text" name="userName_autofill"/>
<input id="_____fake_firstName_remembered" class="stylish" tabindex="-1"   type="text" name="firstName_autofill"/>
<input id="_____fake_lastName_remembered" class="stylish" tabindex="-1"   type="text" name="lastName_autofill"/>
<input id="_____fake_phone_remembered" class="stylish"  tabindex="-1"  type="text" name="phone_autofill"/>
<input id="_____fake_address_remembered" class="stylish"  tabindex="-1"   type="text" name="address_autofill"/>
<input id="_____fake_password_remembered" class="stylish"  tabindex="-1"   type="password" name="password_autofill"/>
<input id="_____fake_password_remembered2" class="stylish"  tabindex="-1"   type="password" name="passwordRepeated_autofill"/>


<form autocomplete="off" role="presentation">



所以显然,最好的修复/黑客现在不再工作,再次。我使用的Chrome版本是49.0.2623.110 m和我的帐户创建形式现在显示保存的用户名和密码与形式无关。由于铬!其他黑客似乎很可怕,但这个黑客不那么可怕……


<input type="text" id="password" name="password" />

    setTimeout(function() {
        $("#password").prop("type", "password");
    }, 100); 
    // time out required to make sure it is not set as a password field before Google fills it in. You may need to adjust this timeout depending on your page load times.


Caveat: If, like me, you use the same creation form as an update form things might get tricky. I use mvc.asp c# and when I use @Html.PasswordFor() the password is not added to the input box. This is a good thing. I have coded around this. But using @Html.TextBoxFor() and the password will be added to the input box, and then hidden as a password. However as my passwords are hashed up, the password in the input box is the hashed up password and should never be posted back to the server - accidentally saving a hashed up hashed password would be a pain for someone trying to log in. Basically... remember to set the password to an empty string before the input box is rendered if using this method.

不同的解决方案,基于webkit。如前所述,任何时候Chrome发现一个密码字段,它自动完成电子邮件。AFAIK,这与autocomplete = [whatever]无关。



<input type ="text" class="secure-font">

从我所看到的,这至少是安全的输入类型=密码,它的复制和粘贴安全。然而,它是脆弱的,通过删除将删除星号的样式,当然input type = password可以很容易地在控制台中更改为input type = text,以显示任何自动填充的密码,所以它是非常相同的。


if ($.browser.webkit) {
    $('input[name="password"]').attr('autocomplete', 'off');
    $('input[name="email"]').attr('autocomplete', 'off');