unsigned long n;
printf("%lu", n); // unsigned long
long n;
printf("%ld", n); // signed long
我需要打印unsigned long long,所以我找到了这个作品:
unsigned long long n;
printf("%llu", n);
对于所有其他组合,我相信您使用printf手册中的表,为您试图打印的任何类型取行,然后列标签(就像我上面对printf("%llu", n)所做的那样)。
long n;
unsigned long un;
printf("%ld", n); // signed
printf("%lu", un); // unsigned
对于64位,你需要一个long long:
long long n;
unsigned long long un;
printf("%lld", n); // signed
printf("%llu", un); // unsigned
printf("%l64d", n); // signed
printf("%l64u", un); // unsigned
unsigned long long n;
printf("0x%016llX", n); // "0x" followed by "0-padded", "16 char wide", "long long", "HEX with 0-9A-F"
Btw, "long" doesn't mean that much anymore (on mainstream x64). "int" is the platform default int size, typically 32 bits. "long" is usually the same size. However, they have different portability semantics on older platforms (and modern embedded platforms!). "long long" is a 64-bit number and usually what people meant to use unless they really really knew what they were doing editing a piece of x-platform portable code. Even then, they probably would have used a macro instead to capture the semantic meaning of the type (eg uint64_t).
char c; // 8 bits
short s; // 16 bits
int i; // 32 bits (on modern platforms)
long l; // 32 bits
long long ll; // 64 bits
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