当我尝试推到共享git远程时,我得到以下错误: 向存储库数据库添加对象权限不足
当我尝试推到共享git远程时,我得到以下错误: 向存储库数据库添加对象权限不足
cd /path/to/repo/.git
sudo chown -R user:groupname .
sudo chmod -R g+rwX .
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' +
cd /path/to/repo/.git
sudo chgrp -R groupname .
sudo chmod -R g+rwX .
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' +
注意,如果你想让每个人都能修改存储库,你不需要chgrp,你需要将chmod更改为sudo chmod -R a+rwX。
The repository isn't configured to be a shared repository (see core.sharedRepository in git help config). If the output of: git config core.sharedRepository is not group or true or 1 or some mask, try running: git config core.sharedRepository group and then re-run the recursive chmod and chgrp (see "Repair Permissions" above). The operating system doesn't interpret a setgid bit on directories as "all new files and subdirectories should inherit the group owner". When core.sharedRepository is true or group, Git relies on a feature of GNU operating systems (e.g., every Linux distribution) to ensure that newly created subdirectories are owned by the correct group (the group that all of the repository's users are in). This feature is documented in the GNU coreutils documentation: ... [If] a directory's set-group-ID bit is set, newly created subfiles inherit the same group as the directory, and newly created subdirectories inherit the set-group-ID bit of the parent directory. ... [This mechanism lets] users share files more easily, by lessening the need to use chmod or chown to share new files. However, not all operating systems have this feature (NetBSD is one example). For those operating systems, you should make sure that all of your Git users have the same default group. Alternatively, you can make the repository world-writable by running git config core.sharedRepository world (but be careful—this is less secure). The file system doesn't support the setgid bit (e.g., FAT). ext2, ext3, ext4 all support the setgid bit. As far as I know, the file systems that don't support the setgid bit also don't support the concept of group ownership so all files and directories will be owned by the same group anyway (which group is a mount option). In this case, make sure all Git users are in the group that owns all the files in the file system. Not all of the Git users are in the same group that owns the repository directories. Make sure the group owner on the directories is correct and that all users are in that group.
我只是尝试了sudo git commit -m“XY”,然后我用CTRL + C取消了它,然后再次尝试git commit -m“XY”,然后它突然工作了。
我遇到这个问题太多次了,但每次发生时,我都尝试使用sudo命令推送或提交,在输入密码后,我不使用sudo推送或提交 例如
sudo git commit -m "message"
git commit -m "message"
如果您使用不同的用户运行git init,而不是您计划在推送更改时使用的用户,则很容易发生这种情况。
如果你盲目地遵循[1]上的说明,这可能会发生,因为你可能创建了git-user作为根用户,然后立即转移到git init,而没有改变用户。
[1] http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-on-the-Server-Setting-Up-the-Server