问题是这样的——你有一个字段,它是唯一的,如果存在,你希望找到所有的对象,该字段不存在。在Mongo中实现稀疏唯一索引的方式是,缺少该字段的对象根本不在索引中-它们不能通过对该字段的查询检索- {$exists: false}不起作用。
Do you need master-master? Then CouchDB. Mainly CouchDB supports master-master replication which anticipates nodes being disconnected for long periods of time. MongoDB would not do well in that environment. Do you need MAXIMUM R/W throughput? Then MongoDB Do you need ultimate single-server durability because you are only going to have a single DB server? Then CouchDB. Are you storing a MASSIVE data set that needs sharding while maintaining insane throughput? Then MongoDB. Do you need strong consistency of data? Then MongoDB. Do you need high availability of database? Then CouchDB. Are you hoping multi databases and multi tables/ collections? Then MongoDB You have a mobile app offline users and want to sync their activity data to a server? Then you need CouchDB. Do you need large variety of querying engine? Then MongoDB Do you need large community to be using DB? Then MongoDB
问题是这样的——你有一个字段,它是唯一的,如果存在,你希望找到所有的对象,该字段不存在。在Mongo中实现稀疏唯一索引的方式是,缺少该字段的对象根本不在索引中-它们不能通过对该字段的查询检索- {$exists: false}不起作用。
如果您计划使用移动组件,或者需要桌面用户离线工作,然后将他们的工作同步到服务器,那么您就需要CouchDB。 如果你的代码只在服务器上运行,那么就使用MongoDB
CouchDb没有这种级别的工具——尽管现在有很多可用的库——但CouchDb是作为HTTP API公开的,因此很容易用您喜欢的语言创建一个包装器来与它对话。我个人喜欢这种方法,因为它避免了膨胀,允许你只拿你想要的东西(接口隔离原则)。
2022年12月更新: 由于这篇文章的浏览量仍然很大,我觉得有必要告诉人们,我最近已经开始使用MongoDB作为我的日常驱动程序,同时保留CouchDB作为我的工具带,用于特殊情况,在这种情况下,数据库更有意义(即不需要视图的情况)。做出这个选择的原因有很多,其中最重要的是:
Performance: While precomputed indexes are a powerful asset, the main limitation of CouchDB is its QueryServer architecture. Every time a document is updated, it has to be serialized and processed by every view (even though this happens in a deferred manner, namely when the view is accessed). But more importantly, every time a view is updated (for example to add filtering logic for a new field added as part of the implementation of a new feature), ALL documents of the database must be sent to the view. This becomes a big deal when you have millions of documents in the database. You start worrying about the impact of updating your views and it becomes a distraction. Should you decide to create one database per data type to bypass this limitation, you'd then lose the ability to map/reduce across all your documents since views are scoped per database. MongoDB avoids this by segmenting documents into collections (ie. data types) so that when an index is updated only a subset of the data of the database is impacted. Moreover, MongoDB uses a binary format making these operations way more performant (while CouchDB uses JSON sent to the view server in plain text). This point may not be important if you do not design products needing to operate at large scale (hundreds of thousands of daily users or more). the tooling available with MongoDB is comprehensive and mature, whether we are talking about the drivers officially supported for various programming languages, or integration with IDEs. Advanced querying: A wide range of data types and advanced query capabilities are available out of the box (geo types, GridFS allowing one to store files of arbitrary size directly in the DB etc...). Having easy access to powerful query aggregation capabilities made me realize how much CouchDB had been inhibiting my productivity. Seamless support for resharding: resharding is easy with MongoDB, while it is a dangerous operation involving moving files by hands with CouchDB. Many other small items that improve quality of life and really add up.
I have been a big CouchDB fan but I have to admit that moving to MongoDB as a daily driver felt a lot like moving back to civilization in terms of productivity and quality of life improvement. Now I only consider CouchDB for key-value store scenarios (in which no map-reduce views are required and all that is needed is getting a document by key - CouchDB shines quite a lot for this), and advanced situations in which having per-user like databases is needed (for example to support advanced synchronization between devices).
CouchDB had momentum back in the days which probably influenced my perception, but development has stalled, no meaningful features have been introduced for a long-time, otherwise it would probably have caught up with MongoDB in terms of quality of life. I see two possible reasons for this: the way a now aborted rewrite of CouchDB has diverted resources for a long-time, and maybe early architectural decisions (such as the Query Server architecture) that may very well have restricted its future from the start. None of these aspects seem to be the priority of the core team.
I do not totally regret choosing CouchDB because it has been massively helpful and the mindset it has taught me is extremely helpful to allow me to write performant code in MongoDB (writing performant code in MongoDB is a breeze compared to the discipline one has to observe to solve business problems using CouchDB). However if I had to do it again today, I would have transitioned to MongoDB as my daily driver MUCH sooner. I'm usually quite good at picking the winning horse when technologies popup, but this time it seems I haven't played the game that well. Hope this helps.