
myElement.innerText = "foo";



如果您只需要设置文本内容而不需要检索,这里有一个简单的DOM版本,您可以在任何浏览器上使用;它既不需要IE的innerText扩展,也不需要DOM Level 3 Core textContent属性。

function setTextContent(element, text) {
    while (element.firstChild!==null)
        element.removeChild(element.firstChild); // remove all existing content



var myElement = document.getElementById('anyElementId');
var myText = (myElement.innerText || myElement.textContent);


<!--[if lte IE 8]>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        if (Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor &&
            !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "textContent").get)
          (function() {
            var innerText = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "innerText");
            Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "textContent",
              { // It won't work if you just drop in innerText.get
                // and innerText.set or the whole descriptor.
                get : function() {
                  return innerText.get.call(this)
                set : function(x) {
                  return innerText.set.call(this, x)


myElement。innerHTML = "foo";

注意,在谷歌Chrome中,Element::innerText属性将不包含被CSS样式“display:none”隐藏的文本(以及它将删除被其他CSS技术掩盖的内容(包括font-size:0, color:transparent,以及其他一些导致文本不以任何可见方式呈现的类似效果)。


First the "display:" style of inner elements is parsed to determine if it delimits a block content (such as "display:block" which is the default of HTML block elements in the browser's builtin stylesheet, and whose behavior as not been overriden by your own CSS style); if so a newline will be inserted in the value of the innerText property. This won't happen with the textContent property. The CSS properties that generate inline contents will also be considered : for example the inline element <br \> that generates an inline newline will also generate an newline in the value of innerText. The "display:inline" style causes no newline either in textContent or innerText. The "display:table" style generates newlines around the table and between table rows, but"display:table-cell" will generate a tabulation character. The "position:absolute" property (used with display:block or display:inline, it does not matter) will also cause a line break to be inserted. Some browsers will also include a single space separation between spans




jQuery将通过将".text()"方法添加到它通过$()查询返回的已解析元素中来解决浏览器之间的这些不一致。在内部,它通过查看HTML DOM来解决困难,只处理“节点”级别。它会返回一些看起来更像标准textContent的东西。

需要注意的是,这个jQuery方法不会插入任何额外的空格或换行符,这些空格或换行符可能是由内容的子元素(如<br />)引起的,在屏幕上可见。


Texts hidden by CSS tricks are now typically ignored by major search engines (that will also parse the CSS of your HTML pages, and will also ignore texts that are not in contrasting colors on the background) using an HTML/CSS parser and the DOM property "innerText" exactly like in modern visual browsers (at least this invisible content will not be indexed so hidden text cannot be used as a trick to force the inclusion of some keywords in the page to check its content) ; but this hidden text will be stil displayed in the result page (if the page was still qualified from the index to be included in results), using the "textContent" property instead of the full HTML to strip the extra styles and scripts.

IF you assign some plain-text in any one of these two properties, this will overwrite the inner markup and styles applied to it (only the assigned element will keep its type, attributes and styles), so both properties will then contain the same content. However, some browsers will now no longer honor the write to innerText, and will only let you overwrite the textContent property (you cannot insert HTML markup when writing to these properties, as HTML special characters will be properly encoded using numeric character references to appear literally, if you then read the innerHTML property after the assignment of innerText or textContent.


规范草案已经编写完成,并有望在未来被纳入HTML生活标准:http://rocallahan.github.io/innerText-spec/, https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/465

