I am working on a tutorial for REST web services at www.udemy.com (REST Java Web Services). The example in the tutorial said that in order to have SSL, we must have a folder called "trust_store" in my eclipse "client" project that should contain a "key store" file (we had a "client" project to call the service, and "service" project that contained the REST web service - 2 projects in the same eclipse workspace, one the client, the other the service). To keep things simple, they said to copy "keystore.jks" from the glassfish app server (glassfish\domains\domain1\config\keystore.jks) we are using and put it into this "trust_store" folder that they had me make in the client project. That seems to make sense: the self-signed certs in the server's key_store would correspond to the certs in the client trust_store. Now, doing this, I was getting the error that the original post mentions. I have googled this and read that the error is due to the "keystore.jks" file on the client not containing a trusted/signed certificate, that the certificate it finds is self-signed.
为了让事情更清楚,让我说一下我理解的“密钥库”。“Jks”包含自签名的certs,以及“cacerts. Jks”。“jks”文件中包含CA证书(由CA签名)。“密钥存储库。Jks是“密钥存储库”,cacerts是“cacerts”。Jks”是“信任商店”。正如一位名叫“布鲁诺”的评论者所说,“密钥库。Jks是本地的,cacerts是本地的。Jks”用于远程客户端。
So, I said to myself, hey, glassfish also has the "cacerts.jks" file, which is glassfish's trust_store file. cacerts.jsk is supposed to contain CA certificates. And apparently I need my trust_store folder to contain a key store file that has at least one CA certificate. So, I tried putting the "cacerts.jks" file in the "trust_store" folder I had made, on my client project, and changing the VM properties to point to "cacerts.jks" instead of "keystore.jks". That got rid of the error. I guess all it needed was a CA cert to work.
static {
// Setup the trustStore location and password
// comment out below line
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "changeit");
//System.setProperty("javax.net.debug", "all");
// for localhost testing only
javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(String hostname, javax.net.ssl.SSLSession sslSession) {
return hostname.equals("localhost");