Annotations like @Component makes things even worse. It steers developers to make objects mutable, as dependencies can't be made final anymore, given that default constructors need to be provided. Dependencies need to be either injected through public setter, or uncontrolled through @Autowired. [even worse dependency injection is compromised with classes that instantiate their dependencies, I still see this in newly written code!]. By uncontrolled I mean, in large systems, when multiple implementations (or children) of the type are available, it gets much more involved to understand which of the implementations was @Autowired, a complexity that makes investigating bugs much harder. It also means that, supposedly you have a profile for test environment and another for production, your production bugs will only happen when it hurts most - in production, rather than being able to spot the bugs in the test environment, or even better, at compile time!
For a long time I believed that there was a value in having a "centralized, declarative, configuration" like the xml files we all used to use. Then I realized that most of the stuff in the files wasn't configuration - it was never changed anywhere after development, ever. Then I realized that "centralized" only has value in quite small systems - only in small systems will you ever be able to grok a configuration file as a whole. And what is really the value of understanding the wiring as a whole, when the same "wirings" are mostly duplicated by dependencies in the code? So the only thing I've kept is meta-data (annotations), which is still kind-of declarative. These never change at runtime and they're never "configuration" data that someone will change on the fly - so I think keeping it in the code is nice.
Right now I think the most important reason for using autowiring is that there's one less abstraction in your system to keep track of. The "bean name" is effectively gone. It turns out the bean name only exists because of xml. So a full layer of abstract indirections (where you would wire bean-name "foo" into bean "bar") is gone. Now I wire the "Foo" interface into my bean directly, and implementation is chosen by run-time profile. This allows me to work with code when tracing dependencies and implementations. When I see an autowired dependency in my code I can just press the "go to implementation" key in my IDE and up comes the list of known implementations. In most cases there's just one implementation and I'm straight into the class. Can't be much simpler than that, and I always know exactly what implementation is being used (I claim that the opposite is closer to the truth with xml wiring - funny how your perspective changes!)
We hardly use qualifiers in our configuration, and found other ways to solve these situations. This is a clear "disadvantage" we encounter: We've slightly changed the way we code to make it interact smoother with autowiring: A customer repository no longer implements the generic Repository<Customer> interface but we make an interface CustomerRepository that extends Repository<Customer>. Sometimes there's also a trick or two when it comes to subclassing. But it usually just points us in the direction of stronger typing, which I find is almost always a better solution.
以下是一些经验 优点
使配置更容易,因为我们可以只使用@Autowire注释 不想使用setter方法,这样类会更干净
紧密耦合到xml文件,即使我们使用DI 很难找到实现(但如果你使用像intellij这样的好ide,你肯定可以摆脱这个)