在更新到Android Studio 2后,当我试图运行我的应用程序并选择一个模拟器时,我等待模拟器启动,它突然被杀死。我可以看到模拟器进程几分钟,但从来没有GUI。在Android studio中,我得到了错误

android studio Error while waiting for the device: The emulator process for AVD was killed

即使我在Android Studio之外运行模拟器也会发生这种情况。我试用了Android 6和基于Android 4.4的模拟器。 在Windows 7 x64 PC上运行。类似于另一个StackOverflow帖子被关闭。我尝试了各种ram、VM堆和分辨率设置。



我用的是10.14 Mojace,我把它更新到了最新版本11.2.1 Big Sur。




Android编程的大家好… 我有同样的问题安卓模拟器被杀,但摆脱了这个问题成功和安卓模拟器运行正常通过做以下事情…

Firstly, I updated my SDKs from android studio SDK manager but issue does not resolved. Secondly, I have faced problems regarding my computer C Drive space where path of SDK folder is located. My C Drive space is running very low and does not allow me to update SDK from android studio showing me error and my Android emulator gets killed then I moved my SDK folder from C Drive to another drive D which have huge space available, then Changed my sdk folder path form android studio and restart it and matter resolved successfully. Cheers... Best Regards



For example, I had this path c:\Users\Таня.android\avd\Nexus_One_API_24.avd My name in Windows is Таня, written in Cyrillic in windows encoding (cp1251). I changed the path to e:\Distribu\AVD.android\avd\Nexus_One_API_24.avd I moved files from disk C there and edited Nexus_One_API_24.ini changing the path in it and everything worked. How to change the folder path: My computer -> properties -> advanced system parameters -> environment variables - > lower 'New...' button: variable name: ANDROID_SDK_HOME variable value: e:\Distribu\AVD (in my case) After the reboot, a new folder(.android) appears in the folder e:\Distribu\AVD containing the 'avd' folder




我试着用一个新的系统映像编辑AVD,瞧!它工作! 我有Nexus 5X API 24