






Sometimes negative overflow is mistakenly called underflow. Underflow is what happens when a value would be closer to zero than the representation allows. Underflow occurs in integer arithmetic and is expected. Integer underflow happens when an integer evaluation would be between -1 and 0 or 0 and 1. What would be a fractional result truncates to 0. This is normal and expected with integer arithmetic and not considered an error. However, it can lead to code throwing an exception. One example is an "ArithmeticException: / by zero" exception if the result of integer underflow is used as a divisor in an expression.


int bigValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int x = bigValue * 2 / 5;
int y = bigValue / x;

这将导致x被赋值为0,并且bigValue / x的后续求值会抛出一个异常,“ArithmeticException: / by zero”(即除以0),而不是将y赋值为2。

x的预期结果是858,993,458,小于最大int值2,147,483,647。但是,计算Integer的中间结果。MAX_Value * 2,将是4,294,967,294,它超过了最大int值,并根据2s补全整数表示为-2。然后-2 / 5的结果是0,赋值给x。


int bigValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int x = bigValue / 5 * 2;
int y = bigValue / x;


bigValue / 5的中间结果是429,496,729,它没有超过int类型的最大值。随后计算429,496,729 * 2不会超过int的最大值,预期结果被分配给x。然后对y的计算不除零。对x和y的求值按预期工作。

Java integer values are stored as and behave in accordance with 2s complement signed integer representations. When a resulting value would be larger or smaller than the maximum or minimum integer values, a 2's complement integer value results instead. In situations not expressly designed to use 2s complement behavior, which is most ordinary integer arithmetic situations, the resulting 2s complement value will cause a programming logic or computation error as was shown in the example above. An excellent Wikipedia article describes 2s compliment binary integers here: Two's complement - Wikipedia



Upcasting comprises using a larger primitive type to perform the arithmetic operation or expression and then determining if the resulting value is beyond the maximum or minimum values for an integer. Even with upcasting, it is still possible that the value or some intermediate value in an operation or expression will be beyond the maximum or minimum values for the upcast type and cause overflow, which will also not be detected and will cause unexpected and undesired results. Through analysis or pre-conditions, it may be possible to prevent overflow with upcasting when prevention without upcasting is not possible or practical. If the integers in question are already long primitive types, then upcasting is not possible with primitive types in Java.

The BigInteger technique comprises using BigInteger for the arithmetic operation or expression using library methods that use BigInteger. BigInteger does not overflow. It will use all available memory, if necessary. Its arithmetic methods are normally only slightly less efficient than integer operations. It is still possible that a result using BigInteger may be beyond the maximum or minimum values for an integer, however, overflow will not occur in the arithmetic leading to the result. Programming and design will still need to determine what to do if a BigInteger result is beyond the maximum or minimum values for the desired primitive result type, e.g., int or long.

卡内基梅隆软件工程研究所的CERT程序和Oracle已经为安全Java编程创建了一套标准。这些标准包括防止和检测整数溢出的技术。该标准作为一个免费的在线资源发布:CERT Oracle Java安全编码标准


图书形式和PDF形式的CERT Oracle Java安全编码标准也可用。




public int addWithOverflowCheck(int a, int b) {
    // the cast of a is required, to make the + work with long precision,
    // if we just added (a + b) the addition would use int precision and
    // the result would be cast to long afterwards!
    long result = ((long) a) + b;
    if (result > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Overflow occured");
    } else if (result < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Underflow occured");
    // at this point we can safely cast back to int, we checked before
    // that the value will be withing int's limits
    return (int) result;




 * Add two int's with overflow detection (r = s + d)
public static int add(final int s, final int d) throws ArithmeticException {
    int r = s + d;
    if (((s & d & ~r) | (~s & ~d & r)) < 0)
        throw new ArithmeticException("int overflow add(" + s + ", " + d + ")");    
    return r;

在java中,将表达式(在if中)应用到整个32位更简单,并使用< 0检查结果(这将有效地测试符号位)。该原理对所有整数基元类型都是完全相同的,将上述方法中的所有声明都更改为long可以使其工作为long。

对于较小的类型,由于隐式转换为int(详细信息请参阅JLS逐位操作),检查不检查< 0,检查需要显式屏蔽符号位(短操作数为0x8000,字节操作数为0x80,适当调整类型转换和参数声明):

 * Subtract two short's with overflow detection (r = d - s)
public static short sub(final short d, final short s) throws ArithmeticException {
    int r = d - s;
    if ((((~s & d & ~r) | (s & ~d & r)) & 0x8000) != 0)
        throw new ArithmeticException("short overflow sub(" + s + ", " + d + ")");
    return (short) r;



So what happens if both arguments have the same sign? Lets take a look at the case both are positive: adding two arguments that create a sum larger than the types MAX_VALUE, will always yield a negative value, so an overflow occurs if arg1 + arg2 > MAX_VALUE. Now the maximum value that could result would be MAX_VALUE + MAX_VALUE (the extreme case both arguments are MAX_VALUE). For a byte (example) that would mean 127 + 127 = 254. Looking at the bit representations of all values that can result from adding two positive values, one finds that those that overflow (128 to 254) all have bit 7 set, while all that do not overflow (0 to 127) have bit 7 (topmost, sign) cleared. Thats exactly what the first (right) part of the expression checks:

if (((s & d & ~r) | (~s & ~d & r)) < 0)

(~s & ~d & r)为真,仅当两个操作数(s, d)为正且结果(r)为负时才为真(该表达式适用于所有32位,但我们唯一感兴趣的位是最上面的(符号)位,它由< 0检查)。

Now if both arguments are negative, their sum can never be closer to zero than any of the arguments, the sum must be closer to minus infinity. The most extreme value we can produce is MIN_VALUE + MIN_VALUE, which (again for byte example) shows that for any in range value (-1 to -128) the sign bit is set, while any possible overflowing value (-129 to -256) has the sign bit cleared. So the sign of the result again reveals the overflow condition. Thats what the left half (s & d & ~r) checks for the case where both arguments (s, d) are negative and a result that is positive. The logic is largely equivalent to the positive case; all bit patterns that can result from adding two negative values will have the sign bit cleared if and only if an underflow occured.



public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int i = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int j = Integer.MIN_VALUE;






int res = 1;
while (res != 0) {
    res *= 2;




本案例讨论如下: 整数溢出产生零。

默认情况下,Java的int和long数学在溢出和下溢时默默地环绕。(根据JLS 4.2.2,对其他整数类型的整数操作是通过首先将操作数提升为int或long来执行的。)

从Java 8开始,Java .lang. math为执行命名操作的int和long参数提供了addExact、subtractExact、multiplyExact、incrementExact、decrementExact和negateExact静态方法,并在溢出时抛出arithmeexception。(没有divideExact方法——您必须自己检查一个特殊情况(MIN_VALUE / -1)。)

从Java 8开始,Java .lang. math还提供了toIntExact来将long类型转换为int类型,如果long类型的值不适合int类型,则抛出arithmeexception。这对于例如使用未检查的long math计算int的和,然后在最后使用toIntExact强制转换为int很有用(但要注意不要让你的和溢出)。

If you're still using an older version of Java, Google Guava provides IntMath and LongMath static methods for checked addition, subtraction, multiplication and exponentiation (throwing on overflow). These classes also provide methods to compute factorials and binomial coefficients that return MAX_VALUE on overflow (which is less convenient to check). Guava's primitive utility classes, SignedBytes, UnsignedBytes, Shorts and Ints, provide checkedCast methods for narrowing larger types (throwing IllegalArgumentException on under/overflow, not ArithmeticException), as well as saturatingCast methods that return MIN_VALUE or MAX_VALUE on overflow.

有一些库提供安全的算术操作,用于检查整数溢出/下溢。例如,Guava的IntMath。checkedAdd(int a, int b)返回a和b的和,前提是它没有溢出,如果a + b在有符号int算术中溢出,则抛出arithmeexception。