我在一台快速的Linux机器上运行openjdk version 1.8.0_111。
我写了一个测试,在一个List上循环10^6次,对于整数(10^0 -> 10^5项)使用不同大小的代码。
public int outside = 0;
private void iteratorForEach(List<Integer> integers) {
integers.forEach((ii) -> {
outside = ii*ii;
private void forEach(List<Integer> integers) {
for(Integer next : integers) {
outside = next * next;
private void forCounter(List<Integer> integers) {
for(int ii = 0; ii < integers.size(); ii++) {
Integer next = integers.get(ii);
outside = next*next;
private void iteratorStream(List<Integer> integers) {
integers.stream().forEach((ii) -> {
outside = ii*ii;
以下是我的计时:毫秒/函数/列表中的条目数。 每次运行是10^6个循环。
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 27 116 959 8832 88958
for:each 53 171 1262 11164 111005
for with index 39 112 920 8577 89212
iterable.stream.forEach 255 324 1030 8519 88419
使用MacBook Pro, 2.5 GHz英特尔酷睿i7, 16gb, macOS 10.12.6:
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 27 106 1047 8516 88044
for:each 46 143 1182 10548 101925
for with index 49 145 887 7614 81130
iterable.stream.forEach 393 397 1108 8908 88361
Java 8 Hotspot VM - 3.4GHz Intel Xeon, 8gb, Windows 10 Pro
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 30 115 928 8384 85911
for:each 40 125 1166 10804 108006
for with index 30 120 956 8247 81116
iterable.stream.forEach 260 237 1020 8401 84883
Java 11 Hotspot VM - 3.4GHz Intel Xeon, 8gb, Windows 10 Pro (同机,JDK版本不同)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 20 104 940 8350 88918
for:each 50 140 991 8497 89873
for with index 37 140 945 8646 90402
iterable.stream.forEach 200 270 1054 8558 87449
Java 11 OpenJ9 VM - 3.4GHz Intel Xeon, 8gb, Windows 10 Pro (与上述机器和JDK版本相同,不同虚拟机)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 211 475 3499 33631 336108
for:each 200 375 2793 27249 272590
for with index 384 467 2718 26036 261408
iterable.stream.forEach 515 714 3096 26320 262786
Java 8 Hotspot VM - 2.8GHz AMD, 64gb, Windows Server 2016
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 95 192 2076 19269 198519
for:each 157 224 2492 25466 248494
for with index 140 368 2084 22294 207092
iterable.stream.forEach 946 687 2206 21697 238457
Java 11 Hotspot VM - 2.8GHz AMD, 64gb, Windows Server 2016 (同机,JDK版本不同)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 72 269 1972 23157 229445
for:each 192 376 2114 24389 233544
for with index 165 424 2123 20853 220356
iterable.stream.forEach 921 660 2194 23840 204817
Java 11 OpenJ9 VM - 2.8GHz AMD, 64gb, Windows Server 2016 (与上述机器和JDK版本相同,不同虚拟机)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 592 914 7232 59062 529497
for:each 477 1576 14706 129724 1190001
for with index 893 838 7265 74045 842927
iterable.stream.forEach 1359 1782 11869 104427 958584
其中一个问题是排序。与流。对于每一个,顺序是没有定义的。它不太可能发生在顺序流中,不过,它仍然在流的规范中。forEach以任意顺序执行。这在并行流中确实经常发生。相比之下,Iterable。如果指定了Iterable, forEach总是按照Iterable的迭代顺序执行。
Another issue is with side effects. The action specified in Stream.forEach is required to be non-interfering. (See the java.util.stream package doc.) Iterable.forEach potentially has fewer restrictions. For the collections in java.util, Iterable.forEach will generally use that collection's Iterator, most of which are designed to be fail-fast and which will throw ConcurrentModificationException if the collection is structurally modified during the iteration. However, modifications that aren't structural are allowed during iteration. For example, the ArrayList class documentation says "merely setting the value of an element is not a structural modification." Thus, the action for ArrayList.forEach is allowed to set values in the underlying ArrayList without problems.
Still another difference is visible if Iterable.forEach is iterating over a synchronized collection. On such a collection, Iterable.forEach takes the collection's lock once and holds it across all the calls to the action method. The Stream.forEach call uses the collection's spliterator, which does not lock, and which relies on the prevailing rule of non-interference. The collection backing the stream could be modified during iteration, and if it is, a ConcurrentModificationException or inconsistent behavior could result.
collection . foreach()使用集合的迭代器(如果指定了一个)。这意味着定义了项目的处理顺序。相反,Collection.stream(). foreach()的处理顺序是未定义的。
在大多数情况下,我们选择哪一个都没有区别。 并行流允许我们在多个线程中执行流,在这种情况下,执行顺序是未定义的。Java只要求在调用任何终端操作(如collections . tolist())之前完成所有线程。 让我们看一个例子,我们首先直接在集合上调用forEach(),然后在并行流上调用:
System.out.print(" ");
如果多次运行该代码,就会看到list.forEach()按插入顺序处理条目,而list.parallelStream(). foreach()每次运行都会产生不同的结果。 一个可能的输出是:
只是添加了Stuart(@user:1441122) Yuranos (@user:4470135)的评论,并在这里发布了一个答案。
list = [1,2,3,4] 让我们定义一个操作,删除列表的最后一个元素(4):
Consumer<Integer> removeElement = s -> {
System.out.println(s + " " + list.size());
if (s != null && s==1) {
收集forEach ()
1 4
Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1252)
at ReverseList.main(ReverseList.java:1)
流forEach ()
1 4
2 3
3 3
null 3
Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(ArrayList.java:1380)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$Head.forEach(ReferencePipeline.java:580)
at ReverseList.main(ReverseList.java:1)
我在一台快速的Linux机器上运行openjdk version 1.8.0_111。
我写了一个测试,在一个List上循环10^6次,对于整数(10^0 -> 10^5项)使用不同大小的代码。
public int outside = 0;
private void iteratorForEach(List<Integer> integers) {
integers.forEach((ii) -> {
outside = ii*ii;
private void forEach(List<Integer> integers) {
for(Integer next : integers) {
outside = next * next;
private void forCounter(List<Integer> integers) {
for(int ii = 0; ii < integers.size(); ii++) {
Integer next = integers.get(ii);
outside = next*next;
private void iteratorStream(List<Integer> integers) {
integers.stream().forEach((ii) -> {
outside = ii*ii;
以下是我的计时:毫秒/函数/列表中的条目数。 每次运行是10^6个循环。
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 27 116 959 8832 88958
for:each 53 171 1262 11164 111005
for with index 39 112 920 8577 89212
iterable.stream.forEach 255 324 1030 8519 88419
使用MacBook Pro, 2.5 GHz英特尔酷睿i7, 16gb, macOS 10.12.6:
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 27 106 1047 8516 88044
for:each 46 143 1182 10548 101925
for with index 49 145 887 7614 81130
iterable.stream.forEach 393 397 1108 8908 88361
Java 8 Hotspot VM - 3.4GHz Intel Xeon, 8gb, Windows 10 Pro
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 30 115 928 8384 85911
for:each 40 125 1166 10804 108006
for with index 30 120 956 8247 81116
iterable.stream.forEach 260 237 1020 8401 84883
Java 11 Hotspot VM - 3.4GHz Intel Xeon, 8gb, Windows 10 Pro (同机,JDK版本不同)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 20 104 940 8350 88918
for:each 50 140 991 8497 89873
for with index 37 140 945 8646 90402
iterable.stream.forEach 200 270 1054 8558 87449
Java 11 OpenJ9 VM - 3.4GHz Intel Xeon, 8gb, Windows 10 Pro (与上述机器和JDK版本相同,不同虚拟机)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 211 475 3499 33631 336108
for:each 200 375 2793 27249 272590
for with index 384 467 2718 26036 261408
iterable.stream.forEach 515 714 3096 26320 262786
Java 8 Hotspot VM - 2.8GHz AMD, 64gb, Windows Server 2016
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 95 192 2076 19269 198519
for:each 157 224 2492 25466 248494
for with index 140 368 2084 22294 207092
iterable.stream.forEach 946 687 2206 21697 238457
Java 11 Hotspot VM - 2.8GHz AMD, 64gb, Windows Server 2016 (同机,JDK版本不同)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 72 269 1972 23157 229445
for:each 192 376 2114 24389 233544
for with index 165 424 2123 20853 220356
iterable.stream.forEach 921 660 2194 23840 204817
Java 11 OpenJ9 VM - 2.8GHz AMD, 64gb, Windows Server 2016 (与上述机器和JDK版本相同,不同虚拟机)
1 10 100 1000 10000
iterator.forEach 592 914 7232 59062 529497
for:each 477 1576 14706 129724 1190001
for with index 893 838 7265 74045 842927
iterable.stream.forEach 1359 1782 11869 104427 958584