@interface MyClass : NSObject
int someVar; // Can only be accessed by instances of MyClass
int aPublicVar; // Can be accessed by any object
@interface MyFirstClass : NSObject
int publicNumber;
@protected // Protected is the default
char protectedLetter;
BOOL privateBool;
@implementation MyFirstClass
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
publicNumber = 3;
protectedLetter = 'Q';
privateBool = NO;
return self;
@interface MySecondClass : MyFirstClass // Note the inheritance
double secondClassCitizen;
@implementation MySecondClass
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
// We can access publicNumber because it's public;
// ANYONE can access it.
publicNumber = 5;
// We can access protectedLetter because it's protected
// and it is declared by a superclass; @protected variables
// are available to subclasses.
protectedLetter = 'z';
// We can't access privateBool because it's private;
// only methods of the class that declared privateBool
// can use it
privateBool = NO; // COMPILER ERROR HERE
// We can access secondClassCitizen directly because we
// declared it; even though it's private, we can get it.
secondClassCitizen = 5.2;
return self;
@interface SomeOtherClass : NSObject
MySecondClass *other;
@implementation SomeOtherClass
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
other = [[MySecondClass alloc] init];
// Neither MyFirstClass nor MySecondClass provided any
// accessor methods, so if we're going to access any ivars
// we'll have to do it directly, like this:
other->publicNumber = 42;
// If we try to use direct access on any other ivars,
// the compiler won't let us
other->protectedLetter = 'M'; // COMPILER ERROR HERE
other->privateBool = YES; // COMPILER ERROR HERE
other->secondClassCitizen = 1.2; // COMPILER ERROR HERE
return self;
无论哪种方式,在运行时,所有的赌注都消失了。这些@private和@protected ivar可以被任何类的对象访问。这些可见性修饰符使得将源代码编译成违背可见性修饰符意图的机器码变得困难。
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