


我有一个情况,我想显示基于用户的用户名的背景,并显示用户名的第一个字母在顶部。 我使用爱的代码,它为我工作得很好

var stringToColour = function (str) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
var colour = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  var value = (hash >> (i * 8)) & 0xff;
  colour += ('00' + value.toString(16)).substr(-2);
return colour;}


function lightOrDark(color) {
// Check the format of the color, HEX or RGB?
if (color.match(/^rgb/)) {
  // If HEX --> store the red, green, blue values in separate variables
  color = color.match(

  var r = color[1];
  var g = color[2];
  var b = color[3];
} else {
  // If RGB --> Convert it to HEX: http://gist.github.com/983661
  color = +(
    '0x' + color.slice(1).replace(color.length < 5 && /./g, '$&$&')

  r = color >> 16;
  g = (color >> 8) & 255;
  b = color & 255;

// HSP equation from http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html
var hsp = Math.sqrt(0.299 * (r * r) + 0.587 * (g * g) + 0.114 * (b * b));

// Using the HSP value, determine whether the color is light or dark
if (hsp > 127.5) {
  return 'light';
} else {
  return 'dark';





public static int getColorFromText(String text)
        if(text == null || text.length() < 1)
            return Color.BLACK;

        int hash = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
            hash = text.charAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);

        int c = (hash & 0x00FFFFFF);
        c = c - 16777216;

        return c;



灵感来自David Crow的回答:算法随机生成一个美观的调色板

//magic to convert strings to a nice pastel colour based on first two chars
// every string with the same first two chars will generate the same pastel colour
function pastel_colour(input_str) {

    //TODO: adjust base colour values below based on theme
    var baseRed = 128;
    var baseGreen = 128;
    var baseBlue = 128;

    //lazy seeded random hack to get values from 0 - 256
    //for seed just take bitwise XOR of first two chars
    var seed = input_str.charCodeAt(0) ^ input_str.charCodeAt(1);
    var rand_1 = Math.abs((Math.sin(seed++) * 10000)) % 256;
    var rand_2 = Math.abs((Math.sin(seed++) * 10000)) % 256;
    var rand_3 = Math.abs((Math.sin(seed++) * 10000)) % 256;

    //build colour
    var red = Math.round((rand_1 + baseRed) / 2);
    var green = Math.round((rand_2 + baseGreen) / 2);
    var blue = Math.round((rand_3 + baseBlue) / 2);

    return { red: red, green: green, blue: blue };





var stringToColor = (string, saturation = 100, lightness = 75) => { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { hash = string.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash); hash = hash & hash; } return `hsl(${(hash % 360)}, ${saturation}%, ${lightness}%)`; } // For the sample on stackoverflow function colorByHashCode(value) { return "<span style='color:" + stringToColor(value) + "'>" + value + "</span>"; } document.body.innerHTML = [ "javascript", "is", "nice", ].map(colorByHashCode).join("<br/>"); span { font-size: 50px; font-weight: 800; }


这个函数很有用。这是一个改编,相当长的执行这个repo ..

const color = (str) => {
    let rgb = [];
    // Changing non-hexadecimal characters to 0
    str = [...str].map(c => (/[0-9A-Fa-f]/g.test(c)) ? c : 0).join('');
    // Padding string with zeroes until it adds up to 3
    while (str.length % 3) str += '0';

    // Dividing string into 3 equally large arrays
    for (i = 0; i < str.length; i += str.length / 3)
        rgb.push(str.slice(i, i + str.length / 3));

    // Formatting a hex color from the first two letters of each portion
    return `#${rgb.map(string => string.slice(0, 2)).join('')}`;


function hashCode(str) { // java String#hashCode
    var hash = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
       hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
    return hash;

function intToRGB(i){
    var c = (i & 0x00FFFFFF)

    return "00000".substring(0, 6 - c.length) + c;

