Java 9弃用了六个包含Java EE api的模块,它们很快就会被移除:
java。使用javax激活。激活包 java。Corba和javax。活动,javax。rmi, javax.rmi。CORBA和org.omg。*包 java。使用javax的事务。交易方案 Java.xml.bind与所有javax.xml.bind。*包 Java.xml.ws和javax。jw, javax.jws。肥皂,javax.xml。Soap和所有。*包。注释包
哪些维护的第三方构件提供了这些api ?它们提供的api有多好,或者它们必须提供哪些其他功能并不重要——重要的是,它们是这些模块/包的临时替代品吗?
Yes, there are already some questions on individual modules and an answer to this question would of course duplicate that information. But AFAIK there is no single point to learn about all of these, which I think has a lot of value. Questions asking for library recommendations are usually considered off-topic, because "they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam", but I don't think that applies here. The set of valid libraries is clearly delineated: They have to implement a specific standard. Beyond that nothing else matters, so I don't see much risk for opinion and spam.