我试图在Pylint 0.21.1中禁用警告C0321(“单行中有多个语句”——我经常将具有短单行结果的if语句放在同一行上)(如果有问题:astng 0.20.1, common 0.50.3,和Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, 2010年9月15日,16:22:56))。





编辑“C:\Users\Your User\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json” 并添加'python.linting。pylintArgs'和它的行在最后如下所示:

    "team.showWelcomeMessage": false,
    "python.dataScience.sendSelectionToInteractiveWindow": true,
    "git.enableSmartCommit": true,
    "powershell.codeFormatting.useCorrectCasing": true,
    "files.autoSave": "onWindowChange",
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [




# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time.

# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
# can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
# it should appear only once).

看起来就像~/。pylintrc在section [MESSAGES CONTROL]中应该有disable= line/s。

为了帮助别人,如果你使用Visual Studio Code,它期望文件是UTF-8编码。为了生成文件,我在PowerShell中运行pylint——generate-rcfile | out-file -encoding utf8 .pylintrc。



#pylint: disable = line-too-long, too-many-lines, no-name-in-module, import-error, multiple-imports, pointless-string-statement, wrong-import-order





这不仅仅涉及到~/。pylintrc文件(在$HOME目录下),如Chris Morgan所述。Pylint将搜索rc文件,优先级为“更接近”的文件:

当前工作目录中的pylintrc文件;或 如果当前工作目录在Python模块中(即它包含__init__.py文件),则向上搜索Python模块的层次结构,直到找到pylintrc文件;或 由环境变量PYLINTRC命名的文件;或 如果你的主目录不是/root: ~ / .pylintrc;或 ~ / config / pylintrc;或 /etc/pylintrc




Further disables from the pylint command line, as described by Aboo and Cairnarvon. This looks like pylint --disable=bad-builtin. Repeat --disable to suppress additional items. Further disables from individual Python code lines, as described by Imolit. These look like some statement # pylint: disable=broad-except (extra comment on the end of the original source line) and apply only to the current line. My approach is to always put these on the end of other lines of code so they won't be confused with the block style, see below. Further disables defined for larger blocks of Python code, up to complete source files. These look like # pragma pylint: disable=bad-whitespace (note the pragma key word). These apply to every line after the pragma. Putting a block of these at the top of a file makes the suppressions apply to the whole file. Putting the same block lower in the file makes them apply only to lines following the block. My approach is to always put these on a line of their own so they won't be confused with the single-line style, see above. When a suppression should only apply within a span of code, use # pragma pylint: enable=bad-whitespace (now using enable not disable) to stop suppressing.

注意,禁用一行使用# pylint语法,而禁用这一行使用# pragma pylint语法。这些很容易混淆,特别是在复制和粘贴时。



I use ~/.pylintrc for absolutely global standards -- very few of these. I use project-level pylintrc at different levels within Python modules when there are project-specific standards. Especially when you're taking in code from another person or team, you may find they use conventions that you don't prefer, but you don't want to rework the code. Keeping the settings at this level helps not spread those practices to other projects. I use the block style pragmas at the top of single source files. I like to turn the pragmas off (stop suppressing messages) in the heat of development even for Pylint standards I don't agree with (like "too few public methods" -- I always get that warning on custom Exception classes) -- but it's helpful to see more / maybe all Pylint messages while you're developing. That way you can find the cases you want to address with single-line pragmas (see below), or just add comments for the next developer to explain why that warning is OK in this case. I leave some of the block-style pragmas enabled even when the code is ready to check in. I try to use few of those, but when it makes sense for the module, it's OK to do as documentation. However I try to leave as few on as possible, preferably none. I use the single-line-comment style to address especially potent errors. For example, if there's a place where it actually makes sense to do except Exception as exc, I put the # pylint: disable=broad-except on that line instead of a more global approach because this is a strange exception and needs to be called out, basically as a form of documentation.


对不起,我偏离了最初的问题,关于海报的一般偏好,这将更好地解决一个全局配置文件。 但是,正如在许多流行的答案中一样,我倾向于在我的代码中看到什么可以触发警告,并最终通知贡献者。 我回复@imolit的评论需要保持简短,以下是一些细节。


# pylint: disable=multiple-statements

我的用例现在是unittest setup()中的attribute-defined-outside-init,我选择了行范围消息禁用,使用消息代码来避免行太长问题。

class ParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
   def setUp(self):
       self.parser = create_parser()  # pylint: disable=W0201


$ pylint --list-msgs | grep 'outside-init'
:attribute-defined-outside-init (W0201): *Attribute %r defined outside __init__*
