
npm install [package_name]


npm install [package_name] --save


npm install [package_name] --save-dev




最简单的答案是——当你为其他开发人员创建包,并希望将包托管在NPM Registry(如lodash、mongoose、express等)时,save-dev非常有用。当你构建或编写Node Server时,——save和——save-dev之间没有区别,因为你的Node Server实现对你来说是私有的,你永远不会在NPM上发布它。


Whenever we install a new package using npm like npm install express then NPM installs that package to our system and put it into node_modules folder, now NPM will analyze the package.json file of newly installed package i.e express in this case, after analyzing NPM will install all those packages which were mentioned in dependencies section of package.json file of express package. After installing those packages on which express was dependent NPM again analyze the package.json file of all newly installed packages and again install the packages for them, this cycle goes on until all packages are available into node_modules folder to function properly. You can check package dependencies by running npm list in terminal where terminal should point location of your project directory.


Suppose you want to create a new package like express, now while development of this new package you probably want to write some unit testing code and test the package with any other available testing package let's assume mocha in this case. Now you know mocha is only required to test the package not required to use the package. In this case you should install mocha using --save-dev flag, otherwise NPM will install it whenever a developer install your package using NPM. So if we want a dependency not installed when someone install our package from NPM we must install that package using --save-dev in development phase.





使用——save-dev(或-D)选项来分离单元测试框架(jest, jasmine, mocha, chai等)等包。


npm install --save lodash       //prod dependency
npm install -S moment           // "       "
npm install -S opentracing      // "       "

npm install -D jest                 //dev only dependency
npm install --save-dev typescript   //dev only dependency


"dependencies": {
  "lodash": "4.x",
  "moment": "2.x",
  "opentracing": "^0.14.1"

"devDependencies": {
    "jest": "22.x",
    "typescript": "^2.8.3"

——save-dev用于应用程序开发中使用的模块,而不是在生产环境中运行时需要的模块 ——save用于将其添加到包中。Json,它是运行应用程序所必需的。


NPM link或NPM install也会在你的项目文件夹中安装开发依赖模块和依赖模块



npm install moment --save


"dependencies": {
   "moment": "^2.17.1"


npm install jasmine-core --save-dev
npm install karma --save-dev


"devDependencies": {
    "jasmine-core": "^2.5.2",
    "karma": "^1.4.1",


直接从NPM docs docs#dependencies中获取

依赖关系 依赖项在映射包名的简单对象中指定 到版本范围。版本范围是一个字符串,包含一个或 更多空格分隔的描述符。依赖关系也可以被识别 使用tarball或git URL。 请不要将测试工具或转译器放在您的依赖项中 对象。参见下面的devDependencies。



最简单的答案是——当你为其他开发人员创建包,并希望将包托管在NPM Registry(如lodash、mongoose、express等)时,save-dev非常有用。当你构建或编写Node Server时,——save和——save-dev之间没有区别,因为你的Node Server实现对你来说是私有的,你永远不会在NPM上发布它。


Whenever we install a new package using npm like npm install express then NPM installs that package to our system and put it into node_modules folder, now NPM will analyze the package.json file of newly installed package i.e express in this case, after analyzing NPM will install all those packages which were mentioned in dependencies section of package.json file of express package. After installing those packages on which express was dependent NPM again analyze the package.json file of all newly installed packages and again install the packages for them, this cycle goes on until all packages are available into node_modules folder to function properly. You can check package dependencies by running npm list in terminal where terminal should point location of your project directory.


Suppose you want to create a new package like express, now while development of this new package you probably want to write some unit testing code and test the package with any other available testing package let's assume mocha in this case. Now you know mocha is only required to test the package not required to use the package. In this case you should install mocha using --save-dev flag, otherwise NPM will install it whenever a developer install your package using NPM. So if we want a dependency not installed when someone install our package from NPM we must install that package using --save-dev in development phase.




你是一个非常严肃的npm库的开发者,它使用不同的测试库来测试包。 用户下载您的库,并希望在他们的代码中使用它。他们也需要下载您的测试库吗?也许你用笑话来测试,而他们用摩卡。你想让他们也安装笑话吗?只是为了管理你的图书馆?


当有人这样做时,npm i yourPackage只会安装运行你的库所需的库。你用来捆绑代码或测试和模拟的其他库将不会被安装,因为你把它们放在了devDependencies中。很简洁,对吧?


Let's say your package is an open-source package and 100s of people are sending pull requests to your package. Then how they will test the package? They will git clone your repo and when they would do an npm i the dependencies as well as devDependencies. Because they are not using your package. They are developing the package further, thus, in order to test your package they need to pass the existing test cases as well write new. So, they need to use your devDependencies which contain all the testing/building/mocking libraries that YOU used.