我已经开始摆弄Node.js HTTP服务器,真的很喜欢写服务器端Javascript,但有些东西让我开始使用Node.js为我的web应用程序。



一个建议是对CPU密集型任务使用Web Workers。然而,我担心网络工作者将很难编写干净的代码,因为它通过包含一个单独的JS文件来工作。如果CPU密集型代码位于对象的方法中怎么办?为每个CPU密集型方法编写JS文件有点糟糕。




You don't want your CPU intensive code to execute async, you want it to execute in parallel. You need to get the processing work out of the thread that's serving HTTP requests. It's the only way to solve this problem. With NodeJS the answer is the cluster module, for spawning child processes to do the heavy lifting. (AFAIK Node doesn't have any concept of threads/shared memory; it's processes or nothing). You have two options for how you structure your application. You can get the 80/20 solution by spawning 8 HTTP servers and handling compute-intensive tasks synchronously on the child processes. Doing that is fairly simple. You could take an hour to read about it at that link. In fact, if you just rip off the example code at the top of that link you will get yourself 95% of the way there.



背景: 异步代码是挂起的代码,直到在其他地方发生某些事情,此时代码将被唤醒并继续执行。一种非常常见的情况是,在其他地方必须发生一些缓慢的事情,那就是I/O。



Waiting on I/O is a pattern that always happens in web servers, for example. Every client who connects to your sever gets a socket. Most of the time the sockets are empty. You don't want to do anything until a socket receives some data, at which point you want to handle the request. Under the hood an HTTP server like Node is using an eventing library (libev) to keep track of the thousands of open sockets. The OS notifies libev, and then libev notifies NodeJS when one of the sockets gets data, and then NodeJS puts an event on the event queue, and your http code kicks in at this point and handles the events one after the other. Events don't get put on the queue until the socket has some data, so events are never waiting on data - it's already there for them.



这是对web服务器定义的误解——它应该只用于与客户端“对话”。重载任务应该委托给独立的程序(当然也可以用JS编写)。 你可能会说它很脏,但我向你保证,一个web服务器进程卡在调整图像的大小是更糟糕的(即使是Apache,当它不阻止其他查询)。不过,您可以使用公共库来避免代码冗余。



You don't want your CPU intensive code to execute async, you want it to execute in parallel. You need to get the processing work out of the thread that's serving HTTP requests. It's the only way to solve this problem. With NodeJS the answer is the cluster module, for spawning child processes to do the heavy lifting. (AFAIK Node doesn't have any concept of threads/shared memory; it's processes or nothing). You have two options for how you structure your application. You can get the 80/20 solution by spawning 8 HTTP servers and handling compute-intensive tasks synchronously on the child processes. Doing that is fairly simple. You could take an hour to read about it at that link. In fact, if you just rip off the example code at the top of that link you will get yourself 95% of the way there.



背景: 异步代码是挂起的代码,直到在其他地方发生某些事情,此时代码将被唤醒并继续执行。一种非常常见的情况是,在其他地方必须发生一些缓慢的事情,那就是I/O。



Waiting on I/O is a pattern that always happens in web servers, for example. Every client who connects to your sever gets a socket. Most of the time the sockets are empty. You don't want to do anything until a socket receives some data, at which point you want to handle the request. Under the hood an HTTP server like Node is using an eventing library (libev) to keep track of the thousands of open sockets. The OS notifies libev, and then libev notifies NodeJS when one of the sockets gets data, and then NodeJS puts an event on the event queue, and your http code kicks in at this point and handles the events one after the other. Events don't get put on the queue until the socket has some data, so events are never waiting on data - it's already there for them.


使用child_process是一种解决方案。但是与Go Go例程相比,生成的每个子进程可能会消耗大量内存







