
unsigned long strlen(char s[]) {
    unsigned long i;
    for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
    return i;



/* Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. Written by Torbjorn Granlund (tege@sics.se), with help from Dan Sahlin (dan@sics.se); commentary by Jim Blandy (jimb@ai.mit.edu). The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #undef strlen /* Return the length of the null-terminated string STR. Scan for the null terminator quickly by testing four bytes at a time. */ size_t strlen (str) const char *str; { const char *char_ptr; const unsigned long int *longword_ptr; unsigned long int longword, magic_bits, himagic, lomagic; /* Handle the first few characters by reading one character at a time. Do this until CHAR_PTR is aligned on a longword boundary. */ for (char_ptr = str; ((unsigned long int) char_ptr & (sizeof (longword) - 1)) != 0; ++char_ptr) if (*char_ptr == '\0') return char_ptr - str; /* All these elucidatory comments refer to 4-byte longwords, but the theory applies equally well to 8-byte longwords. */ longword_ptr = (unsigned long int *) char_ptr; /* Bits 31, 24, 16, and 8 of this number are zero. Call these bits the "holes." Note that there is a hole just to the left of each byte, with an extra at the end: bits: 01111110 11111110 11111110 11111111 bytes: AAAAAAAA BBBBBBBB CCCCCCCC DDDDDDDD The 1-bits make sure that carries propagate to the next 0-bit. The 0-bits provide holes for carries to fall into. */ magic_bits = 0x7efefeffL; himagic = 0x80808080L; lomagic = 0x01010101L; if (sizeof (longword) > 4) { /* 64-bit version of the magic. */ /* Do the shift in two steps to avoid a warning if long has 32 bits. */ magic_bits = ((0x7efefefeL << 16) << 16) | 0xfefefeffL; himagic = ((himagic << 16) << 16) | himagic; lomagic = ((lomagic << 16) << 16) | lomagic; } if (sizeof (longword) > 8) abort (); /* Instead of the traditional loop which tests each character, we will test a longword at a time. The tricky part is testing if *any of the four* bytes in the longword in question are zero. */ for (;;) { /* We tentatively exit the loop if adding MAGIC_BITS to LONGWORD fails to change any of the hole bits of LONGWORD. 1) Is this safe? Will it catch all the zero bytes? Suppose there is a byte with all zeros. Any carry bits propagating from its left will fall into the hole at its least significant bit and stop. Since there will be no carry from its most significant bit, the LSB of the byte to the left will be unchanged, and the zero will be detected. 2) Is this worthwhile? Will it ignore everything except zero bytes? Suppose every byte of LONGWORD has a bit set somewhere. There will be a carry into bit 8. If bit 8 is set, this will carry into bit 16. If bit 8 is clear, one of bits 9-15 must be set, so there will be a carry into bit 16. Similarly, there will be a carry into bit 24. If one of bits 24-30 is set, there will be a carry into bit 31, so all of the hole bits will be changed. The one misfire occurs when bits 24-30 are clear and bit 31 is set; in this case, the hole at bit 31 is not changed. If we had access to the processor carry flag, we could close this loophole by putting the fourth hole at bit 32! So it ignores everything except 128's, when they're aligned properly. */ longword = *longword_ptr++; if ( #if 0 /* Add MAGIC_BITS to LONGWORD. */ (((longword + magic_bits) /* Set those bits that were unchanged by the addition. */ ^ ~longword) /* Look at only the hole bits. If any of the hole bits are unchanged, most likely one of the bytes was a zero. */ & ~magic_bits) #else ((longword - lomagic) & himagic) #endif != 0) { /* Which of the bytes was the zero? If none of them were, it was a misfire; continue the search. */ const char *cp = (const char *) (longword_ptr - 1); if (cp[0] == 0) return cp - str; if (cp[1] == 0) return cp - str + 1; if (cp[2] == 0) return cp - str + 2; if (cp[3] == 0) return cp - str + 3; if (sizeof (longword) > 4) { if (cp[4] == 0) return cp - str + 4; if (cp[5] == 0) return cp - str + 5; if (cp[6] == 0) return cp - str + 6; if (cp[7] == 0) return cp - str + 7; } } } } libc_hidden_builtin_def (strlen)





 27 /* Return the length of the null-terminated string STR.  Scan for
 28    the null terminator quickly by testing four bytes at a time.  */


 73   /* Instead of the traditional loop which tests each character,
 74      we will test a longword at a time.  The tricky part is testing
 75      if *any of the four* bytes in the longword in question are zero.  */










您看到的是glibc优化的C回退优化实现。(对于没有手写asm实现的isa)。或者该代码的旧版本,仍然在glibc源代码树中。https://code.woboq.org/userspace/glibc/string/strlen.c.html是一个基于当前glibc git树的代码浏览器。显然,它仍然被一些主流glibc目标所使用,包括MIPS。(谢谢@zwol)。



This bithack code (https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ZeroInWord) isn't what actually runs on your server/desktop/laptop/smartphone. It's better than a naive byte-at-a-time loop, but even this bithack is pretty bad compared to efficient asm for modern CPUs (especially x86 where AVX2 SIMD allows checking 32 bytes with a couple instructions, allowing 32 to 64 bytes per clock cycle in the main loop if data is hot in L1d cache on modern CPUs with 2/clock vector load and ALU throughput. i.e. for medium-sized strings where startup overhead doesn't dominate.)


x86在矢量寄存器和通用寄存器之间有高效的数据传输,这使得它特别适合使用SIMD来加速隐式长度字符串上的函数,其中循环控制是依赖于数据的。Pcmpeqb / pmovmskb可以一次测试16个独立的字节。

glibc有一个类似的使用AdvSIMD的AArch64版本,还有一个用于AArch64 cpu的版本,其中vector->GP寄存器使管道停止,所以它实际上使用了这个bithack。但是使用计数前导零来查找寄存器内的字节,并在检查页面交叉后利用AArch64的高效无对齐访问。

同样相关的:为什么这个代码在启用优化后会慢6.5倍?有一些关于x86 asm中strlen的快与慢的更多细节,以及一个简单的asm实现,这可能对GCC了解如何内联有好处。(一些gcc版本不明智地内联代表scasb非常慢,或者像这样一个4字节一次的bitthack。因此GCC的内联strlen配方需要更新或禁用。)

Asm doesn't have C-style "undefined behaviour"; it's safe to access bytes in memory however you like, and an aligned load that includes any valid bytes can't fault. Memory protection happens with aligned-page granularity; aligned accesses narrower than that can't cross a page boundary. Is it safe to read past the end of a buffer within the same page on x86 and x64? The same reasoning applies to the machine-code that this C hack gets compilers to create for a stand-alone non-inline implementation of this function.



最重要的因素是这个strlen不能内联到其他任何东西。这样做不安全;它包含严格别名UB(通过无符号长*读取字符数据)。Char *允许别名其他任何东西,但反之则不成立。


GNU C库只需要用GCC编译。显然不支持使用clang或ICC编译,尽管它们支持GNU扩展。GCC是一个提前编译器,它将C源文件转换为机器代码的目标文件。不是解释器,所以除非它在编译时内联,否则内存中的字节就是内存中的字节。例如,当不同类型的访问发生在不同的函数中,并且它们之间没有内联时,严格混叠UB是没有危险的。

记住,strlen的行为是由ISO C标准定义的。函数名是具体实现的一部分。像GCC这样的编译器甚至把这个名字当作内置函数,除非你使用-fno-builtin-strlen,所以strlen("foo")可以是一个编译时常数3。只有当gcc决定真正发出对它的调用,而不是内联自己的菜谱或其他东西时,才会使用库中的定义。

当UB在编译时对编译器不可见时,你得到正常的机器代码。机器代码必须适用于no- ub情况,即使您希望这样做,asm也无法检测调用者用于将数据放入指向内存中的类型。

Glibc被编译为独立的静态或动态库,不能内联链接时间优化。当内联到程序中时,glibc的构建脚本不会创建包含机器代码+ gcc GIMPLE内部表示的“胖”静态库,用于链接时间优化。(即libc。A不会参与-flto链接时间优化到主程序中。)以这种方式构建glibc对于实际使用该.c的目标来说可能是不安全的。



CHAR_BIT is a multiple of 8. True on all GNU systems. POSIX 2001 even guarantees CHAR_BIT == 8. (This looks safe for systems with CHAR_BIT= 16 or 32, like some DSPs; the unaligned-prologue loop will always run 0 iterations if sizeof(long) = sizeof(char) = 1 because every pointer is always aligned and p & sizeof(long)-1 is always zero.) But if you had a non-ASCII character set where chars are 9 or 12 bits wide, 0x8080... is the wrong pattern. (maybe) unsigned long is 4 or 8 bytes. Or maybe it would actually work for any size of unsigned long up to 8, and it uses an assert() to check for that.


下一个假设是潜在的C UB:

An aligned load that contains any valid bytes can't fault, and is safe as long as you ignore the bytes outside the object you actually want. (True in asm on every GNU systems, and on all normal CPUs because memory protection happens with aligned-page granularity. Is it safe to read past the end of a buffer within the same page on x86 and x64? safe in C when the UB isn't visible at compile time. Without inlining, this is the case here. The compiler can't prove that reading past the first 0 is UB; it could be a C char[] array containing {1,2,0,3} for example)


然后你就会遇到像Linux内核旧的不安全的memcpy CPP宏那样的问题,它使用指针强制转换为无符号长(gcc、严格别名和可怕的故事)。(现代Linux使用-fno-strict-aliasing编译,而不是小心使用may_alias属性。)


只有在调用/ret边界时才可见的UB不会伤害我们。(例如,在char类型的buf[]上调用此函数,而不是在unsigned long类型的[]转换为const char*的数组上调用此函数)。一旦机器代码固定下来,它就只是处理内存中的字节。非内联函数调用必须假设被调用方读取所有内存。


GCC类型属性may_alias为类型提供了与char*相同的别名处理。(由@KonradBorowsk建议)。GCC头文件目前将它用于x86 SIMD向量类型,如__m128i,因此您可以始终安全地执行_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)foo)。(参见硬件SIMD向量指针和相应类型之间的' reinterpret_cast '是否是未定义的行为?了解更多关于这意味着什么和不意味着什么的细节。)

strlen(const char *char_ptr)
  typedef unsigned long __attribute__((may_alias)) aliasing_ulong;

  // handle unaligned startup somehow, e.g. check for page crossing then check an unaligned word
  // else check single bytes until an alignment boundary.
  aliasing_ulong *longword_ptr = (aliasing_ulong *)char_ptr;

  for (;;) {
     // alignment still required, but can safely alias anything including a char[]
     unsigned long ulong = *longword_ptr++;


您可以使用aligned(1)来表示align (T) = 1的类型。 Typedef unsigned long __attribute__((may_alias, aligned(1))) unaligned_aliasing_ulong;这对于strlen的未对齐启动部分很有用,如果您不只是在第一个对齐边界之前每次只执行char-at-a-time。(主循环需要对齐,这样如果结束符恰好在未映射的页面之前,就不会出错。)


   unsigned long longword;
   memcpy(&longword, char_ptr, sizeof(longword));
   char_ptr += sizeof(longword);


The danger here is that if GCC doesn't know for sure that char_ptr is word-aligned, it won't inline it on some platforms that might not support unaligned loads in asm. e.g. MIPS before MIPS64r6, or older ARM. If you got an actual function call to memcpy just to load a word (and leave it in other memory), that would be a disaster. GCC can sometimes see when code aligns a pointer. Or after the char-at-a-time loop that reaches a ulong boundary you could use p = __builtin_assume_aligned(p, sizeof(unsigned long));



如果您希望广泛使用的标准库函数的每一点性能都得到优化,那么手工优化asm会更好。尤其是像memcpy这样的东西,但也有strlen。在这种情况下,使用C和x86 intrinsic来利用SSE2并不容易。





ICC (Intel的x86编译器)可以自动向量化一些搜索循环,但是对于像OpenBSD的libc这样的简单/天真的C strlen,仍然只能生成一次字节的asm。(Godbolt)。(来自@Peske的回答)。

A hand-optimized libc strlen is necessary for performance with current compilers. Going 1 byte at a time (with unrolling maybe 2 bytes per cycle on wide superscalar CPUs) is pathetic when main memory can keep up with about 8 bytes per cycle, and L1d cache can deliver 16 to 64 per cycle. (2x 32-byte loads per cycle on modern mainstream x86 CPUs since Haswell and Ryzen. Not counting AVX512 which can reduce clock speeds just for using 512-bit vectors; which is why glibc probably isn't in a hurry to add an AVX512 version. Although with 256-bit vectors, AVX512VL + BW masked compare into a mask and ktest or kortest could make strlen more hyperthreading friendly by reducing its uops / iteration.)

我在这里包括非x86,这是“16字节”。例如,大多数AArch64 cpu至少可以做到这一点,我认为,有些肯定会做得更多。一些有足够的执行吞吐量strlen以跟上负载带宽。



// OP's code - what is needed to portably function correctly?
unsigned long strlen(char s[]) {
    unsigned long i;
    for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
    return i;






字符串长度在size_t范围内,它可能不同于unsigned long。函数签名不匹配size_t (*f)() = strlen的问题。ULONG_MAX < SIZE_MAX和字符串长度巨大的不常见平台的问题。


S应该是const char *。



s[i] != '\0'可以在-0处触发,当char是有符号的,而不是2的补码。不应该如此。Str…()函数,就好像字符是作为unsigned char访问一样。

对于本小节中的所有函数,每个字符都应被解释为unsigned char类型(因此每种可能的对象表示都是有效的,具有不同的值)。


size_t strlen(const char *s) {
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; ((const unsigned char *)s)[i] != '\0'; i++)
    return i;




假设“Hello, world!”字符串中的字母“H”作为strlen的参数提供。因为CPU喜欢在内存中对齐(理想情况下,address % sizeof(size_t) == 0),对齐前的字节将使用slow方法逐字节处理。

然后,对于每个对齐大小的块,通过计算(longbits - 0x01010101) & 0x80808080 != 0,它检查整数内是否有字节为零。当至少有一个字节大于0x80时,此计算会出现假阳性,但通常情况下它应该工作。如果不是这样(就像黄色区域一样),长度会随着对齐大小的增加而增加。





#include <string.h>

strlen(const char *str)
    const char *s;

    for (s = str; *s; ++s)
    return (s - str);


编辑:我上面链接的OpenBSD代码看起来是一个没有自己asm实现的isa的后备实现。根据架构的不同,strlen有不同的实现。例如,amd64 strlen的代码是asm。类似于PeterCordes的评论/回答指出非后备GNU实现也是asm。







Why must it be so complicated? Say you have a 1,000 byte string. The simple implementation will examine 1,000 bytes. A current implementation would likely examine 64 bit words at a time, which means 125 64-bit or eight-byte words. It might even use vector instructions examining say 32 bytes at a time, which would be even more complicated and even faster. Using vector instructions leads to code that is a bit more complicated but quite straightforward, checking whether one of eight bytes in a 64 bit word is zero requires some clever tricks. So for medium to long strings this code can be expected to be about four times faster. For a function as important as strlen, that's worth writing a more complex function.



公私合伙制。Intel在他们后来的处理器中添加了指令,形成了strstr()函数的构建块(在字符串中查找子字符串)。他们的描述令人难以置信,但他们可以让特定的功能快100倍。(基本上,给定一个包含“Hello, world!”的数组a和一个以16字节“hellohellohellohelloh”开头并包含更多字节的数组b,它会计算出字符串a不会比从索引15开始更早地出现在b中)。