

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    size_t i = 9;
    size_t j = i / 5;
    return 0;


gcc -S division.c -O0 -masm=intel


mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-16]   ; Move i (=9) to RAX
movabs  rdx, -3689348814741910323 ; Move some magic number to RDX (?)
mul     rdx                       ; Multiply 9 by magic number
mov     rax, rdx                  ; Take only the upper 64 bits of the result
shr     rax, 2                    ; Shift these bits 2 places to the right (?)
mov     QWORD PTR [rbp-8], rax    ; Magically, RAX contains 9/5=1 now, 
                                  ; so we can assign it to j

这是怎么回事?为什么GCC根本不使用div ?它是如何产生这个神奇的数字的,为什么一切都有效?




The compiler is allowed to make ANY changes as long as it doesn't change the observable behaviour as specified by the abstract machine. There is no reasonable expectation that the compiler will transform your code in the most straightforward way possible (even when a lot of C programmer assume that). Usually, it does this because the compiler wants to optimize the performance compared to the straightforward approach (as discussed in the other answers at length). If under any circumstances the compiler "optimizes" a correct program to something that has a different observable behaviour, that is a compiler bug. Any undefined behaviour in our code (signed integer overflow is a classical example) and this contract is void.








除5的准确答案总是有一个小数部分,0,1 / 5,2 / 5,3 /5或4/5。因此,在相乘和移位结果中小于1/5的正误差将永远不会使结果超过舍入边界。

常数的误差是(1/5)* 2-64。i的值小于264,因此相乘后的误差小于1/5。除4后误差小于(1/5)* 2−2。

(1/5) * 2−2 < 1/5所以答案总是等于做一个精确的除法并四舍五入到0。


如果我们试图将4/7表示为一个0.64的定点数,舍入为零,我们最终会得到(6/7)* 2-64的误差。在乘以一个略低于264的i值后,我们最终得到的误差略低于6/7,在除以4后,我们最终得到的误差略低于1.5/7,大于1/7。


这里是一个算法文档的链接,该算法生成的值和代码是我在Visual Studio中看到的(在大多数情况下),我认为GCC中仍然使用它来将变量整数除以常数整数。


在本文中,一个uword有N位,一个udword有2N位,N =分子=除数,d =分母=除数,ℓ初始设置为ceil(log2(d)), shpre是pre-shift(用于乘前)= e = d中后面的零位数,shpost是post-shift(用于乘后),prec是precision = N - e = N - shpre。目标是使用前移、乘和后移优化n/d的计算。



在现代X86和其他处理器的情况下,乘法时间是固定的,所以预移位在这些处理器上没有帮助,但它仍然有助于将乘数从N+1位降低到N位。我不知道GCC或Visual Studio是否已经消除了X86目标的预换挡。

回到图6.2。mlow和mhigh的分子(被除数)只有在分母(除数)> 2^(N-1)(当ℓ== N => mlow = 2^(2N))时才能大于一个udword,在这种情况下,N /d的优化替换是一个比较(如果N >=d, q = 1,否则q = 0),因此不会产生乘数。mlow和mhigh的初始值将是N+1位,并且可以使用两个udword/uword分割来生成每个N+1位值(mlow或mhigh)。以X86 64位模式为例:

; upper 8 bytes of dividend = 2^(ℓ) = (upper part of 2^(N+ℓ))
; lower 8 bytes of dividend for mlow  = 0
; lower 8 bytes of dividend for mhigh = 2^(N+ℓ-prec) = 2^(ℓ+shpre) = 2^(ℓ+e)
dividend  dq    2 dup(?)        ;16 byte dividend
divisor   dq    1 dup(?)        ; 8 byte divisor

; ...
        mov     rcx,divisor
        mov     rdx,0
        mov     rax,dividend+8     ;upper 8 bytes of dividend
        div     rcx                ;after div, rax == 1
        mov     rax,dividend       ;lower 8 bytes of dividend
        div     rcx
        mov     rdx,1              ;rdx:rax = N+1 bit value = 65 bit value

您可以使用GCC进行测试。您已经看到了如何处理j = i/5。看看j = i/7是如何处理的(这应该是N+1位乘数的情况)。


;       rbx = dividend, rax = 64 bit (or less) multiplier, rcx = post shift count
;       two instruction sequence for most divisors:

        mul     rbx                     ;rdx = upper 64 bits of product
        shr     rdx,cl                  ;rdx = quotient
;       five instruction sequence for divisors like 7
;       to emulate 65 bit multiplier (rbx = lower 64 bits of multiplier)

        mul     rbx                     ;rdx = upper 64 bits of product
        sub     rbx,rdx                 ;rbx -= rdx
        shr     rbx,1                   ;rbx >>= 1
        add     rdx,rbx                 ;rdx = upper 64 bits of corrected product
        shr     rdx,cl                  ;rdx = quotient
;       ...


        mul     rbx                     ;rdx = u64(dvnd*mplr)
        add     rdx,rbx                 ;rdx = u64(dvnd*(2^64 + mplr)), could overflow
        shr     rdx,cl

要处理这种情况,可以使用cl = post_shift-1。Rax =乘数- 2^64,RBX =红利。U64()是上64位。注意,rax = rax<<1 - rax。商:

        u64( (  rbx * (2^64 + rax) )>>(cl+1) )
        u64( (  rbx * (2^64 + rax<<1 - rax) )>>(cl+1) )
        u64( (  (rbx * 2^64) + (rbx * rax)<<1 - (rbx * rax) )>>(cl+1) )
        u64( (  (rbx * 2^64) - (rbx * rax) + (rbx * rax)<<1 )>>(cl+1) )
        u64( ( ((rbx * 2^64) - (rbx * rax))>>1) + (rbx*rax) )>>(cl  ) )

        mul     rbx                     ;   (rbx*rax)
        sub     rbx,rdx                 ;   (rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax)
        shr     rbx,1                   ;(  (rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax))>>1
        add     rdx,rbx                 ;( ((rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax))>>1)+(rbx*rax)
        shr     rdx,cl                  ;((((rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax))>>1)+(rbx*rax))>>cl



The compiler is allowed to make ANY changes as long as it doesn't change the observable behaviour as specified by the abstract machine. There is no reasonable expectation that the compiler will transform your code in the most straightforward way possible (even when a lot of C programmer assume that). Usually, it does this because the compiler wants to optimize the performance compared to the straightforward approach (as discussed in the other answers at length). If under any circumstances the compiler "optimizes" a correct program to something that has a different observable behaviour, that is a compiler bug. Any undefined behaviour in our code (signed integer overflow is a classical example) and this contract is void.




Let's consider for a minute why 0.CCCCCCCC... (hex) or 0.110011001100... binary is 4/5. Divide the binary representation by 4 (shift right 2 places), and we'll get 0.001100110011... which by trivial inspection can be added the original to get 0.111111111111..., which is obviously equal to 1, the same way 0.9999999... in decimal is equal to one. Therefore, we know that x + x/4 = 1, so 5x/4 = 1, x=4/5. This is then represented as CCCCCCCCCCCCD in hex for rounding (as the binary digit beyond the last one present would be a 1).

整数除法是在现代处理器上可以执行的最慢的算术运算之一,延迟可达数十个周期,吞吐量很差。(对于x86,请参阅Agner Fog的指令表和microarch指南)。


以这种方式实现C /运算符,而不是使用包含div的多指令序列,这只是GCC按常量除法的默认方式。它不需要跨操作进行优化,甚至在调试时也不需要更改任何内容。(不过,在小代码中使用-Os确实会让GCC使用div。)用乘法逆代替除法就像用lea代替mul和加法

