如何为Android应用程序设置IntelliJ IDEA ?




下载及安装Java JDK(选择Java平台) 下载并安装Android SDK(推荐使用Installer) android SD安装完成后,在android SDK工具下打开SDK管理器(有时需要在管理员权限下打开) 选择所有内容并标记“接受全部”并安装。 下载并安装IntelliJ IDEA(社区版免费) 等待所有的下载和安装完成。


Run IntelliJ Create a new project (there's a tutorial here) Enter the name, choose Android type. There's a step missing in the tutorial, when you are asked to choose the JDK (before choosing the SDK) you need to choose the Java JDK you've installed earlier. Should be under C:\Program Files\Java\jdk{version} Choose a New platform ( if there's not one selected ) , the SDK platform is the android platform at C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows. Choose the android version. Now you can write your program.


在运行按钮附近,您需要选择下拉列表,选择Edit Configurations 在“首选Android虚拟设备”中选择…按钮 点击创建,给它一个名字,按确定。 双击新设备以选择它。 按下OK。 您已经准备好运行程序了。




下载及安装Java JDK(选择Java平台) 下载并安装Android SDK(推荐使用Installer) android SD安装完成后,在android SDK工具下打开SDK管理器(有时需要在管理员权限下打开) 选择所有内容并标记“接受全部”并安装。 下载并安装IntelliJ IDEA(社区版免费) 等待所有的下载和安装完成。


Run IntelliJ Create a new project (there's a tutorial here) Enter the name, choose Android type. There's a step missing in the tutorial, when you are asked to choose the JDK (before choosing the SDK) you need to choose the Java JDK you've installed earlier. Should be under C:\Program Files\Java\jdk{version} Choose a New platform ( if there's not one selected ) , the SDK platform is the android platform at C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows. Choose the android version. Now you can write your program.


在运行按钮附近,您需要选择下拉列表,选择Edit Configurations 在“首选Android虚拟设备”中选择…按钮 点击创建,给它一个名字,按确定。 双击新设备以选择它。 按下OK。 您已经准备好运行程序了。



Run Terminal Navigate to the android/sdk directory Type "android" You will get a gui. Check the "Tools" directory and the latest Android API (at this time, it's 4.3 (API 18)). Click "Install xx packages" and go watch an episode of Breaking Bad or something. It'll take a while. Go back to IntelliJ and open the "Project Structure..." dialog (Cmd+;). In the left panel of the dialog, under "Project Settings," select Project. In the right panel, under "Project SDK," click "New..." > Android SDK and navigate to your android/sdk directory. Choose this and you will be presented with a dialog with which you can add the "Google APIs" build target. This is what I needed. You may need to do this more than once if you have multiple version targets. Now, under the left pane "Modules," with your project selected in the center pane, select the appropriate module under the "Dependencies" tab in the right pane.

另一种识别正确SDK的方法是安装Android Studio,创建一个新项目,进入项目结构,SDK位置,找到SDK安装的位置。

我发现在mac上使用默认的安装过程,SDK主文件夹在/Users/'yourUser'/Library/Android/ SDK文件夹中。确保您已启用Mac以查看Library文件夹。


它说android sdk然后有下拉菜单说没有,不再有一个“新”按钮。

5)。 A.点击…没有的右边。 B.)点击新窗口对话框左上方的+。(添加新 Sdk) c)从下拉菜单中点击android SDK d)选择android SDK的主目录 E.)选择您想使用的Java SDK版本 f)选择android构建目标。 g。)点击确定!

