在asp.net WebApi v2中,OWIN管道是默认的。它最终将成为任何asp.net项目下的标准管道。
如果没有OWIN, asp.net位将与IIS与应用程序通信的方式相耦合。OWIN抽象了web服务器和框架组件。这意味着您的应用程序代码现在将知道OWIN接口,但不知道为请求提供服务的web服务器。
你可以在web服务器和你的应用程序之间插入任何中间件(你想插入多少都行)。 这使得解决方案更加模块化。您可以开发可以影响应用程序的请求/响应的可重分发中间件,但要将这些模块与应用程序代码分开。
很多这些包以前都是asp.net的核心功能,并被提取为中间件。 例如,使用各种OAuth提供者添加对登录的支持成为基础设施(中间件)的问题,不再需要成为应用程序代码的一部分:
http://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google/ http://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook/ http://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory/ ...
编辑:它现在可作为一个nuget包:owen . catify !
我现在正在与Jexus web服务器作者一起研究如何编写主机适配器来桥接OWIN/武士刀和Jexus。我们很高兴了解到OWIN是灵活的和高度可定制的。
参考: http://blog.lextudio.com/2014/06/why-owin-matters-a-lot-for-asp-net-developers/
public interface OWIN
void ListenHttpCallAndServeWebPage();
namespace Microsoft.OWIN
public class Katana : OWIN
public void ListenHttpCallAndServeWebPage()
// listen to a port for HTTP call and serve web page
是的,没错。OWIN是一个接口,Katana是微软对OWIN接口的实现。因此,我们经常听到这两个词(OWIN / KATANA)在一起,很多时候我们对这两个词的区别感到困惑。所以,武士刀是微软实现的OWIN接口。假设有另一家名为BIG-BOSS的公司想要创建他们自己的OWIN实现,他们可以这样做,并将他们的实现命名为“BATANA”,并宣传像OWIN / BATANA这样的短语。
所以,为什么是OWIN !!
一辆车需要有4个轮子 车辆必须有转向装置。 车辆必须有前灯和信号灯。
Based on the above example, we can say that our ASP.NET Web application uses System.Web Assembly which is heavily loaded (like a truck) and if we want to make a little Web Application where our purpose is just to serve some files based on a little set of requests, we are bound to use that heavy System.Web assembly (truck). Now, OWIN shows up. OWIN is a set of specification (we can call it interface) that defines a Server. Based on that specification, someone (like a vehicle maker) can make various kind of servers based on specific problem domains / application needs. Microsoft created their own Implementation for OWIN named Katana in the same way which can serve Web API. As WebAPI is a light weight technology, which does not need full blown System.Web things, a light weight Server implementation (like Katana) can boost the performance heavily when you use Web Api hosted on Katana.
Now, if you ask, 'Do I need it' ? Answer is, 'It depends on your need of performance'. If you don't mind driving your truck even for going to watch a movie, then, perhaps you do not need OWIN. But if you feel that, a light weight Sedan car is all you need to drive within a city, small distance, watch movie..etc.. yes, You may check what implementations of OWIN available in the market. Katana is one of the implementations of OWIN, therefore you can check what Katana offers. Not only Katana, if any other company implements OWIN according to specific Domain (for example, a server for Medical Devices which will download latest medicine information) and if you are a doctor, perhaps, you can check that implementation of OWIN. Moreover, you yourself can create your own implementation of OWIN targeting any specific niche.
In terms of web applications, if you are a simple Web developer, developing custom Websites for your clients, perhaps, you do not need to worry about custom implementation of OWINs, because IIS will serve you in a balanced way. If you build a Web API project, you will get Katana based template ready made from Visual Studio -> New Project, so you won't have to worry about anything other than learning Katana specific techniques. At this moment, Katana is not mature enough to completely replace the need for IIS for ASP.NET MVC, but perhaps, in the future it will.
获得库存 DELETE库存ID=4 PUT库存ID=5
这是所有。没有别的了。那么,为什么您需要一个完整的IIS web服务器来完成这个小任务呢?在这种情况下,您可以创建自己的OWIN实现。(也许,你会使用武士刀)
好的,我明白了,如果我想做一个ASP。NET MVC网站,我没有选择替换IIS,那么为什么我需要知道武士刀在这个时刻?
Answer: Even though Katana is not mature enough to replace the need of IIS so that you can host your ASP.NET MVC website directly on Katana, but Katana implemented many cool interfaces of OWIN so that you can take the advantage of using those features side by side. For example, allowing your users to login using Facebook, Google, Twitter etc was not very easy before. Katana gives you many hooks (as a middle-ware) so that you can let Katana take care of external Social Media based Authentication easily without writing plumbing code. There are many other benefits to using Katana that you may find out when you start using this technology.
自过去几年以来,微软正在使网络工具更加敏捷和响应,因为他们的计划正在进行中。以ASP开发为例。Net MVC和ASP。Net Web API。他们不依赖于系统。我认为这是一个巨大的负担。优点是可以及时提供开发修复,并且周期比以往任何时候都快。现在开发人员还可以在自定义OWIN主机或Katana上部署这些应用程序,这是OWIN实现的参考。
其中一个核心原因是性能因素。Helios将能够实现比标准ASP多2 -3倍的吞吐量。网络应用程序。在内存消耗方面,Helios比System要好得多。Web dll。在一个基准的Helios体系结构中,允许一个示例应用程序实现50000个并发请求,与标准ASP相比开销减少了大约1GB。网络应用程序。