我似乎完全无法将Windows 7 SDK安装到我的机器上,我在网上找到的唯一解决方案是对注册表进行一系列更改。我试过了,还是没有成功。
A problem occurred while installing selected Windows SDK components.
Installation of the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7" product has reported the following error: Please refer to Samples\Setup\HTML\ConfigDetails.htm document for further information.
Please attempt to resolve the problem and then start Windows SDK setup again. If you continue to have problems with this issue, please visit the SDK team support page at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=130245.
Click the View Log button to review the installation log.
To exit, click Finish.
还有一件事要记住,当你安装Visual Studio 2010 SP1时,一些c++编译器和库可能已经被删除了。微软已经进行了更新,以确保将这些内容带回您的系统。
安装此更新以恢复Visual c++编译器和库
这些可能在Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1时已被删除
微软Windows软件开发工具包用于Windows 7和。net
框架4(后来称为Windows SDK 7.1)。
此外,当你阅读VS2010 SP1 README时,你也会注意到一些关于Windows 7 SDK(见2.2.1节)安装的注意事项。可能这些条件之一可能适用于您,因此可能需要取消选中c++编译器复选框,因为SDK安装程序将尝试安装旧版本的编译器ÓR您可能需要卸载VS2010 SP1并重新运行SDK 7.1安装,修复或修改。
Condition 1: If the Visual C++ Compilers checkbox is selected when the
Windows SDK 7.1 is installed, repaired, or modified after Visual
Studio 2010 SP1 has been installed, the error may be encountered and
some selected components may not be installed.
Workaround: Clear the Visual C++ Compilers checkbox before you run the
Windows SDK 7.1 installation, repair, or modification.
Condition 2: If the Visual C++ Compilers checkbox is selected when the
Windows SDK 7.1 is installed, repaired, or modified after Visual
Studio 2010 has been installed but Visual Studio 2010 SP1 has not been
uninstalled, the error may be encountered.
Workaround: Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and then rerun the
Windows SDK 7.1 installation, repair, or modification.
然而,即使这样,我发现我仍然需要卸载所有现有的Visual c++ 2010可重分发版本,正如mgrandi所建议的那样。
微软现在有一篇知识库文章,名为Windows SDK安装失败,返回码为5100,描述了这个问题及其解决方案:
当您在安装了更新版本的Visual c++ 2010 Redistributable的计算机上安装Windows 7 SDK时,会出现此问题。Windows 7 SDK安装了Visual c++ 2010 Redistributable 10.0.30319版本。
错误消息位于日志文件中,可以通过安装程序中的View log按钮打开该文件。否则,可以在这里找到:%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\或% Temp %。日志文件很可能称为SDKSetup_7.xxxxx.log。
解决方案:卸载所有现有的Visual c++ 2010可重分发版本。
我刚遇到这个问题,我看了按Ctrl+F5,修复问题安装Windows SDK为Windows 7,但它没有工作。
我搜索了一下,找到了“为Windows 7安装Visual c++ 2010和Windows SDK:脱机安装程序和安装故障排除”的页面,其中的建议是有效的。基本上,您可能会遇到以下几个问题之一,您必须查看日志文件以查看发生了什么。在我的日志文件中,我有:
2011年10月1日星期六下午6:17:07:C:\Program Files\Microsoft sdk \Windows\v7.1\Setup\SFX\vcredist_x64.exe安装失败,返回码为5100
因此,正如上面的网页所建议的,我卸载了我拥有的Visual c++ 2010可重分发包的两个副本(x86和x64),然后当我再次运行Windows 7 SDK安装程序时,它工作了。
12:19:42 PM Friday, 8 January 2010: SFX C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Setup\SFX\dexplore.exe installation started with log file C:\TEMP\Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7_dd2d9383-116d-441f-85b3-7c16aeb3568e_SFX.log
12:19:47 PM Friday, 8 January 2010: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Setup\SFX\dexplore.exe installation failed with return code 1625
MSI (s) (E4:7C) [12:19:46:680]: Machine policy value 'DisableBrowse' is 1
MSI (s) (E4:7C) [12:19:46:680]: Adding new sources is not allowed.
MSI (s) (E4:7C) [12:19:46:680]: Warning: rejected attempt to add new source 'c:\eb66d60e4283bfc2986755fa\' (product: {6753B40C-0FBD-3BED-8A9D-0ACAC2DCD85D})
MSI (s) (E4:7C) [12:19:46:680]: MSI_LUA: Elevation prompt disabled for silent installs
MSI (s) (E4:7C) [12:19:46:680]: Note: 1: 1729
MSI (s) (E4:7C) [12:19:46:680]: Product: Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 -- Configuration failed.