我想在<AppBar />中显示一个标题,该标题以某种方式从当前路由传递进来。
在React Router v4中,<AppBar />如何能够将当前路由传递到它的标题道具中?
<Router basename='/app'>
<Menu active={menu} close={this.closeMenu} />
<Overlay active={menu} onClick={this.closeMenu} />
<AppBar handleMenuIcon={this.handleMenuIcon} title='Test' />
<Route path='/customers' component={Customers} />
是否有一种方法从<Route />上的自定义道具传递自定义标题?
I think the author's of React Router (v4) just added that withRouter HOC to appease certain users. However, I believe the better approach is to just use render prop and make a simple PropsRoute component that passes those props. This is easier to test as you it doesn't "connect" the component like withRouter does. Have a bunch of nested components wrapped in withRouter and it's not going to be fun. Another benefit is you can also use this pass through whatever props you want to the Route. Here's the simple example using render prop. (pretty much the exact example from their website https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/api/Route/render-func)
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router';
export const PropsRoute = ({ component: Component, ...props }) => (
{ ...props }
render={ renderProps => (<Component { ...renderProps } { ...props } />) }
export default PropsRoute;
import React from 'react';
import PropsRoute from 'src/components/routes/props-route';
export const someComponent = props => (<PropsRoute component={ Profile } />);
<PropsRoute isFetching={ isFetchingProfile } title="User Profile" component={ Profile } />
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
接下来,您将希望使用withthrouter。您可以通过更改组件的导出来实现这一点。您可能希望将导出默认的ComponentName更改为使用throuter (ComponentName)导出默认。
Con Posidielov说过,当前路由在this.props.location.pathname中。
import { matchPath } from `react-router`
const routes = [{
key: 'page1'
exact: true,
path: '/page1/:someparam/',
component: Page1,
exact: true,
key: 'page2',
path: '/page2',
component: Page2,
const currentRoute = routes.find(
route => matchPath(this.props.location.pathname, route)
console.log(`My current route key is : ${currentRoute.key}`)