

[submodule "lib/three20"]
    path = lib/three20
    url = git://github.com/facebook/three20.git



No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path 'Classes/Support/Three20'





move the dirA-xxx to dirB-xxx modify entry in .gitmodules to use dirB-xxx modify entry in .git/config to use dirB-xxx modify .git/modules/dirA-xxx/config to reflect the correct directory modify dirA-xxx/.git to reflect the correct directory run git submodule status if return error: No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path dirA-xxx. This is due to dirA-xxx is not existing, yet it is still tracked by git. Update the git index by: git rm --cached dirA-xxx Try with git submodule foreach git pull. I didn't go through the actual study of git submodule structure, so above steps may break something. Nonetheless going through above steps, things look good at the moment. If you have any insight or proper steps to get thing done, do share it here. :)




[submodule "<path>"]
  path = <path>
  url = git@github.com:foo/bar.git


  repositoryformatversion = 0
  filemode = true
  bare = false
  logallrefupdates = true
  worktree = ../../../<path>

如果在.git/modules中没有正确的文件夹,那么你必须去你的子模块目录并尝试git reset HEAD——hard或git checkout master -f。如果这没有帮助,你可能想删除所有对损坏子模块的引用,然后重新添加它,然后参见:重命名git子模块。

有个问题。有一段时间,我尝试了删除路径的建议,git删除路径,删除.gitmodules,从.git/config中删除条目,重新添加子模块,然后提交并推送更改。这是令人困惑的,因为当我做“git commit -a”时,它看起来没有变化,所以我试着只推删除,然后推读取,使它看起来像一个变化。

After a while I noticed by accident that after removing everything, if I ran "git submodule update --init", it had a message about a specific name that git should no longer have had any reference to: the name of the repository the submodule was linking to, not the path name it was checking it out to. Grepping revealed that this reference was in .git/index. So I ran "git rm --cached repo-name" and then readded the module. When I committed this time, the commit message included a change that it was deleting this unexpected object. After that it works fine.


没有找到子模块路径'path/to/submodule'的url 在.gitmodules中没有找到路径'path/to/submodule'的子模块映射


我使用git init从style.css,认识到我的错误后,我已经添加 Git添加remote origin <url>。

所以,仍然在git bash中的style.css文件中,我使用git删除远程原点。

当我检查git remote时,远程链接已被删除。

Ultimately, after doing git init for the root directory, adding it to remote, the resources/css path was providing the submodule error/fatal errors listed up top. So, from the root directory, in git bash, I typed git rm --cached resources/css, deleted the css directory (saved the code), pushed the changes, and added a css directory and styles.css file within it in a different branch (optional) to see how the outcome would be after pushing changes again and checking the deployment on github pages. It worked! I know deleting directories isn't always ideal, especially in large projects, but just wanted to share one more way to fix this issue!

ps相当新的stackoverflow,所以我为冗长的文本道歉。 # 2022的答案


xyz folder as root directory which contains 2 folder as submodule
  -- product
  -- user


git rm --cached product/
git rm --cached user/


 git submodule update --init


git submodule update --init

再次进入根目录CD ..

git add --all


值得注意的是,git 1.7.1给出了“没有子模块映射”的错误,但git 2.13.0似乎并不在意。