## Make the Data: -----
n_sub <- 1000
current_date <- 365*2
true_shape <- 2
true_scale <- 365
dat <- data_frame(person = 1:n_sub,
true_duration = rweibull(n = n_sub, shape = true_shape, scale = true_scale),
person_start_time = runif(n_sub, min= 0, max= true_scale*2),
person_censored = (person_start_time + true_duration) > current_date,
person_duration = ifelse(person_censored, current_date - person_start_time, true_duration)
person person_start_time person_censored person_duration
(int) (dbl) (lgl) (dbl)
1 1 11.81416 FALSE 487.4553
2 2 114.20900 FALSE 168.7674
3 3 75.34220 FALSE 356.6298
4 4 339.98225 FALSE 385.5119
5 5 389.23357 FALSE 259.9791
6 6 253.71067 FALSE 259.0032
7 7 419.52305 TRUE 310.4770
## Split into multiple observations per person: --------
cens_point <- 300 # <----- try changing to 0 for no split; if so, model correctly estimates
dat_split <- dat %>%
group_by(person) %>%
split = ifelse(.$person_duration > cens_point, cens_point, .$person_duration),
START = c(0, split[1]),
END = c(split[1], .$person_duration),
TINTERVAL = c(split[1], .$person_duration - split[1]),
CENS = c(ifelse(.$person_duration > cens_point, 1, .$person_censored), .$person_censored), # <— edited original post here due to bug; but problem still present when fixing bug
END_CENS = ifelse(CENS, NA, END)
)) %>%
filter(TINTERVAL != 0)
(int) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)
1 1 300.0000 0 300.0000 300.00000 1 NA
2 1 300.0000 300 487.4553 187.45530 0 187.45530
3 2 168.7674 0 168.7674 168.76738 1 NA
4 3 300.0000 0 300.0000 300.00000 1 NA
5 3 300.0000 300 356.6298 56.62979 0 56.62979
6 4 300.0000 0 300.0000 300.00000 1 NA
## Set-Up JAGS Model -------
dat_jags <- as.list(dat_split)
dat_jags$N <- length(dat_jags$TINTERVAL)
inits <- replicate(n = 2, simplify = FALSE, expr = {
list(TINTERVAL_CENS = with(dat_jags, ifelse(CENS, TINTERVAL + 1, NA)),
END_CENS = with(dat_jags, ifelse(CENS, END + 1, NA)) )
model_string <-
model {
# set priors on reparameterized version, as suggested
# here: https://sourceforge.net/p/mcmc-jags/discussion/610036/thread/d5249e71/?limit=25#8c3b
log_a ~ dnorm(0, .001)
log(a) <- log_a
log_b ~ dnorm(0, .001)
log(b) <- log_b
nu <- a
lambda <- (1/b)^a
for (i in 1:N) {
# Estimate Subject-Durations:
CENS[i] ~ dinterval(TINTERVAL_CENS[i], TINTERVAL[i])
TINTERVAL_CENS[i] ~ dweibull( nu, lambda )
param_monitors <- c('a', 'b', 'nu', 'lambda')
fit_jags <- run.jags(model = model_string,
burnin = 1000, sample = 1000,
monitor = param_monitors,
n.chains = 2, data = dat_jags, inits = inits)
# estimates:
# actual:
c(a=true_shape, b=true_scale)
If I am missing an assumption and my problem is less related to JAGS and more related to how I'm formulating the problem, suggestions are very welcome. I might be despairing that time-varying covariates can't be used in parametric survival models (and can only be used in models like the Cox model, which assumes constant hazards and which doesn't actually estimate the underlying distribution)— however, as I mentioned above, the flexsurvreg package in R does accommodate the (start, stop] formulation in parametric models.
我认为这里需要JAGS中用于截断的T()构造。本质上,对于每个时期(t[i], t[i+1]),如果一个人活着,但协变量是常数,那么生存时间在时期开始时左截短,在结束时也可能右截短。你可以这样写y[i] ~ dweib(shape, scale[i])T(T [i],)
model {
# same as before
log_a ~ dnorm(0, .01)
log(a) <- log_a
log_b ~ dnorm(0, .01)
log(b) <- log_b
nu <- a
lambda <- (1/b)^a
for (i in 1:N) {
# modified to include left-truncation
CENS[i] ~ dinterval(END_CENS[i], END[i])
END_CENS[i] ~ dweibull( nu, lambda )T(START[i],)
Unfortunately this doesn't quite do the trick. With the old code, the model was mostly getting the scale parameter right, but doing a very bad job on the shape parameter. With this new code, it gets very close to the correct shape parameter, but consistently over-estimates the scale parameter. I have noticed that the degree of over-estimation is correlated with how late the split point comes. If the split-point is early (cens_point = 50), there's not really any over-estimation; if it's late (cens_point = 350), there is a lot.
I thought maybe the problem could be related to 'double-counting' the observations: if we see a censored observation at t=300, then from that same person, an uncensored observation at t=400, it seems intuitive to me that this person is contributing two data-points to our inference about the Weibull parameters when really they should just be contributing one point. I, therefore, tried incorporating a random-effect for each person; however, this completely failed, with huge estimates (in the 50-90 range) for the nu parameter. I'm not sure why that is, but perhaps that's a question for a separate post. Since I'm not whether the problems are related, you can find the code for this whole post, including the JAGS code for that model, here.