我看过一个React开发的演讲(Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking best practices—JSConf EU 2013),演讲者提到模型的脏检查可能会很慢。但是,在大多数情况下,虚拟DOM应该比模型更大,因此计算虚拟DOM之间的差异实际上不是性能更差吗?



In React, each of your components have a state. This state is like an observable you might find in knockout or other MVVM style libraries. Essentially, React knows when to re-render the scene because it is able to observe when this data changes. Dirty checking is slower than observables because you must poll the data at a regular interval and check all of the values in the data structure recursively. By comparison, setting a value on the state will signal to a listener that some state has changed, so React can simply listen for change events on the state and queue up re-rendering.The virtual DOM is used for efficient re-rendering of the DOM. This isn't really related to dirty checking your data. You could re-render using a virtual DOM with or without dirty checking. You're right in that there is some overhead in computing the diff between two virtual trees, but the virtual DOM diff is about understanding what needs updating in the DOM and not whether or not your data has changed. In fact, the diff algorithm is a dirty checker itself but it is used to see if the DOM is dirty instead.



下面是React团队成员Sebastian Markbåge的一篇评论,它揭示了一些问题:

React does the diffing on the output (which is a known serializable format, DOM attributes). This means that the source data can be of any format. It can be immutable data structures and state inside of closures. The Angular model doesn't preserve referential transparency and therefore is inherently mutable. You mutate the existing model to track changes. What if your data source is immutable data or a new data structure every time (such as a JSON response)? Dirty checking and Object.observe does not work on closure scope state. These two things are very limiting to functional patterns obviously. Additionally, when your model complexity grows, it becomes increasingly expensive to do dirty tracking. However, if you only do diffing on the visual tree, like React, then it doesn't grow as much since the amount of data you're able to show on the screen at any given point is limited by UIs. Pete's link above covers more of the perf benefits.



批处理DOM读写操作。 高效更新子树。


模型脏检查:无论何时调用setState, React组件都显式地设置为脏,因此这里不需要(数据)比较。对于脏检查,(模型的)比较总是发生在每个摘要循环中。 DOM更新:DOM操作非常昂贵,因为修改DOM也会应用和计算CSS样式和布局。从不必要的DOM修改中节省的时间可能比区别虚拟DOM所花费的时间要长。


虚拟Dom不是react发明的。它是HTML dom的一部分。 它是轻量级的,并且脱离了特定于浏览器的实现细节。

我们可以把虚拟DOM看作是React对HTML DOM的本地简化副本。它允许React在这个抽象的世界中进行计算,而跳过“真正的”DOM操作,这些操作通常很慢,而且是特定于浏览器的。实际上,DOM和VIRTUAL DOM之间没有太大的区别。

下面是使用Virtual Dom的原因(ReactJS中的source Virtual Dom):

当你这样做时: . getelementbyid(“elementId”)。innerHTML = "New Value"会发生以下事情: 浏览器需要解析HTML 它删除了elementId的子元素 用新值更新DOM值 重新计算父节点和子节点的css 更新布局,即每个元素在屏幕上的精确坐标 遍历渲染树并在浏览器显示上绘制它 重新计算CSS和更改的布局使用复杂的算法和 它们影响表演。


现在,假设您直接更新DOM 10次,那么上述所有步骤将逐一运行,更新DOM算法将花费时间来更新DOM值。



我什么时候重新渲染?答:当我观察到数据是脏的。 我如何有效地重新渲染?答:使用虚拟DOM生成真正的DOM补丁

In React, each of your components have a state. This state is like an observable you might find in knockout or other MVVM style libraries. Essentially, React knows when to re-render the scene because it is able to observe when this data changes. Dirty checking is slower than observables because you must poll the data at a regular interval and check all of the values in the data structure recursively. By comparison, setting a value on the state will signal to a listener that some state has changed, so React can simply listen for change events on the state and queue up re-rendering.

The virtual DOM is used for efficient re-rendering of the DOM. This isn't really related to dirty checking your data. You could re-render using a virtual DOM with or without dirty checking. You're right in that there is some overhead in computing the diff between two virtual trees, but the virtual DOM diff is about understanding what needs updating in the DOM and not whether or not your data has changed. In fact, the diff algorithm is a dirty checker itself but it is used to see if the DOM is dirty instead.


A virtual DOM is nice because it lets us write our code as if we were re-rendering the entire scene. Behind the scenes we want to compute a patch operation that updates the DOM to look how we expect. So while the virtual DOM diff/patch algorithm is probably not the optimal solution, it gives us a very nice way to express our applications. We just declare exactly what we want and React/virtual-dom will work out how to make your scene look like this. We don't have to do manual DOM manipulation or get confused about previous DOM state. We don't have to re-render the entire scene either, which could be much less efficient than patching it.

In React, each of your components have a state. This state is like an observable you might find in knockout or other MVVM style libraries. Essentially, React knows when to re-render the scene because it is able to observe when this data changes. Dirty checking is slower than observables because you must poll the data at a regular interval and check all of the values in the data structure recursively. By comparison, setting a value on the state will signal to a listener that some state has changed, so React can simply listen for change events on the state and queue up re-rendering.The virtual DOM is used for efficient re-rendering of the DOM. This isn't really related to dirty checking your data. You could re-render using a virtual DOM with or without dirty checking. You're right in that there is some overhead in computing the diff between two virtual trees, but the virtual DOM diff is about understanding what needs updating in the DOM and not whether or not your data has changed. In fact, the diff algorithm is a dirty checker itself but it is used to see if the DOM is dirty instead.
