在阅读Beazley & Jones PCB时,我偶然发现了__getattr__的一个明确而实际的用例,它有助于回答OP问题的“何时”部分。摘自书中:
"The __getattr__() method is kind of like a catch-all for attribute lookup. It's a method that gets called if code tries to access an attribute that doesn't exist." We know this from the above answers, but in PCB recipe 8.15, this functionality is used to implement the delegation design pattern. If Object A has an attribute Object B that implements many methods that Object A wants to delegate to, rather than redefining all of Object B's methods in Object A just to call Object B's methods, define a __getattr__() method as follows:
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._b, name)
其中_b是Object A的属性(Object B)的名称。当Object B上定义的方法在Object A上被调用时,__getattr__方法将在查找链的末尾被调用。这也会使代码更干净,因为您不需要为委托给另一个对象而定义一个方法列表。
这只是一个基于Ned Batchelder解释的例子。
class Foo(object):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
print "looking up", attr
value = 42
self.__dict__[attr] = value
return value
f = Foo()
print f.x
#output >>> looking up x 42
f.x = 3
print f.x
#output >>> 3
print ('__getattr__ sets a default value if undefeined OR __getattr__ to define how to handle attributes that are not found')
如果同样的例子使用__getattribute__,你会得到>>> RuntimeError:调用Python对象时超过最大递归深度
new -style类继承自object或另一个new -style类:
class SomeObject(object):
class SubObject(SomeObject):
class SomeObject:
这只适用于python2 -在python3中,上述所有将创建新样式的类。
在阅读Beazley & Jones PCB时,我偶然发现了__getattr__的一个明确而实际的用例,它有助于回答OP问题的“何时”部分。摘自书中:
"The __getattr__() method is kind of like a catch-all for attribute lookup. It's a method that gets called if code tries to access an attribute that doesn't exist." We know this from the above answers, but in PCB recipe 8.15, this functionality is used to implement the delegation design pattern. If Object A has an attribute Object B that implements many methods that Object A wants to delegate to, rather than redefining all of Object B's methods in Object A just to call Object B's methods, define a __getattr__() method as follows:
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._b, name)
其中_b是Object A的属性(Object B)的名称。当Object B上定义的方法在Object A上被调用时,__getattr__方法将在查找链的末尾被调用。这也会使代码更干净,因为您不需要为委托给另一个对象而定义一个方法列表。
getattribute:用于从实例中检索属性。它通过使用点表示法或getattr()内置函数捕获访问实例属性的每次尝试。 getattr:当在对象中找不到属性时,作为最后一个资源执行。您可以选择返回一个默认值或引发AttributeError。
检查MRO链中的任何类中是否定义了同名(属性名)的描述符(方法对象解析) 然后查看实例的名称空间 然后查看类名称空间 然后进入每个基的名称空间,等等。 最后,如果未找到,默认实现将调用实例的回退getattr()方法,并作为默认实现引发AttributeError异常。
.. c:function:: PyObject* PyObject_GenericGetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *name) Generic attribute getter function that is meant to be put into a type object's tp_getattro slot. It looks for a descriptor in the dictionary of classes in the object's MRO as well as an attribute in the object's :attr:~object.dict (if present). As outlined in :ref:descriptors, data descriptors take preference over instance attributes, while non-data descriptors don't. Otherwise, an :exc:AttributeError is raised.