当用户按下一个键时,onKeyDown事件被触发。 当用户释放密钥时触发onKeyUp事件。 当用户按下并释放一个键时触发onKeyPress事件 (onKeyDown紧接着onKeyUp)。
当用户按下一个键时,onKeyDown事件被触发。 当用户释放密钥时触发onKeyUp事件。 当用户按下并释放一个键时触发onKeyPress事件 (onKeyDown紧接着onKeyUp)。
这篇由Jan Wolter撰写的文章是我所见过的最好的文章,如果链接失效,你可以在这里找到存档副本。
The keydown event occurs when the key is pressed, followed immediately by the keypress event. Then the keyup event is generated when the key is released. To understand the difference between keydown and keypress, it is useful to distinguish between characters and keys. A key is a physical button on the computer's keyboard. A character is a symbol typed by pressing a button. On a US keyboard, hitting the 4 key while holding down the Shift key typically produces a "dollar sign" character. This is not necessarily the case on every keyboard in the world. In theory, the keydown and keyup events represent keys being pressed or released, while the keypress event represents a character being typed. In practice, this is not always the way it is implemented. For a while, some browers fired an additional event, called textInput, immediately after keypress. Early versions of the DOM 3 standard intended this as a replacement for the keypress event, but the whole notion was later revoked. Webkit supported this between versions 525 and 533, and I'm told IE supported it, but I never detected that, possibly because Webkit required it to be called textInput while IE called it textinput. There is also an event called input, supported by all browsers, which is fired just after a change is made to to a textarea or input field. Typically keypress will fire, then the typed character will appear in the text area, then input will fire. The input event doesn't actually give any information about what key was typed - you'd have to inspect the textbox to figure it out what changed - so we don't really consider it a key event and don't really document it here. Though it was originally defined only for textareas and input boxes, I believe there is some movement toward generalizing it to fire on other types of objects as well.
<textarea type="text" onkeypress="this.value=this.value + 'onkeypress '"></textarea>
<textarea type="text" onkeydown="this.value=this.value + 'onkeydown '" ></textarea>
<textarea type="text" onkeyup="this.value=this.value + 'onkeyup '" ></textarea>
<输入类型=“文本” 类=“表单控件” @bind=“@barcode” @onkeyup=“条形码扫描” 占位符=“扫描” />
onkeypress事件适用于所有浏览器中除ALT, CTRL, SHIFT, ESC以外的所有键,其中onkeydown事件适用于所有键。意思是onkeydown事件捕获所有的键。
这篇由Jan Wolter撰写的文章是我所见过的最好的文章,如果链接失效,你可以在这里找到存档副本。
The keydown event occurs when the key is pressed, followed immediately by the keypress event. Then the keyup event is generated when the key is released. To understand the difference between keydown and keypress, it is useful to distinguish between characters and keys. A key is a physical button on the computer's keyboard. A character is a symbol typed by pressing a button. On a US keyboard, hitting the 4 key while holding down the Shift key typically produces a "dollar sign" character. This is not necessarily the case on every keyboard in the world. In theory, the keydown and keyup events represent keys being pressed or released, while the keypress event represents a character being typed. In practice, this is not always the way it is implemented. For a while, some browers fired an additional event, called textInput, immediately after keypress. Early versions of the DOM 3 standard intended this as a replacement for the keypress event, but the whole notion was later revoked. Webkit supported this between versions 525 and 533, and I'm told IE supported it, but I never detected that, possibly because Webkit required it to be called textInput while IE called it textinput. There is also an event called input, supported by all browsers, which is fired just after a change is made to to a textarea or input field. Typically keypress will fire, then the typed character will appear in the text area, then input will fire. The input event doesn't actually give any information about what key was typed - you'd have to inspect the textbox to figure it out what changed - so we don't really consider it a key event and don't really document it here. Though it was originally defined only for textareas and input boxes, I believe there is some movement toward generalizing it to fire on other types of objects as well.