


import { login } from 'redux/auth';

class LoginForm extends Component {

  onClick(e) {
    const { user, pass } = this.refs;
    this.props.dispatch(login(user.value, pass.value));

  render() {
    return (<div>
        <input type="text" ref="user" />
        <input type="password" ref="pass" />
        <button onClick={::this.onClick}>Sign In</button>

export default connect((state) => ({}))(LoginForm);


// auth.js

import request from 'axios';
import { loadUserData } from './user';

// define constants
// define initial state
// export default reducer

export const login = (user, pass) => async (dispatch) => {
    try {
        dispatch({ type: LOGIN_REQUEST });
        let { data } = await request.post('/login', { user, pass });
        await dispatch(loadUserData(data.uid));
        dispatch({ type: LOGIN_SUCCESS, data });
    } catch(error) {
        dispatch({ type: LOGIN_ERROR, error });

// more actions...

// user.js

import request from 'axios';

// define constants
// define initial state
// export default reducer

export const loadUserData = (uid) => async (dispatch) => {
    try {
        dispatch({ type: USERDATA_REQUEST });
        let { data } = await request.get(`/users/${uid}`);
        dispatch({ type: USERDATA_SUCCESS, data });
    } catch(error) {
        dispatch({ type: USERDATA_ERROR, error });

// more actions...




可测试性(忽略实际的API调用), 很多辅助函数, 熟悉服务器端编码的开发人员。



confounding of concerns by using generator functions. Generators in JS return custom iterators. That is all. They do not have any special ability to handle async calls or to be cancellable. Any loop can have a break-out condition, any function can handle async requests, and any code can make use of a custom iterator. When people say thing like: generators have control when to listen for some action or generators are cancellable, but async calls are not then it creates confusion by implying that these qualities are inherent in - or even unique to - generator functions. unclear use-cases: AFAIK the SAGA pattern is for handling concurrent transaction issues across services. Given that browsers are single-threaded, it is hard to see how concurrency presents a problem that Promise methods can't handle. BTW: it is also hard to see why that class of problem should ever be handled in the browser. code traceability: By using redux middleware to turn dispatch into a kind of event-handling, Sagas dispatch actions that never reach the reducers, and so never get logged by Redux tools. While other libraries also do this, it is often unnecessarily complicated, given that browsers have event-handling built in. The advantage of the indirection is again elusive, when calling the saga directly would be more obvious.




export function* loginSaga() {
  while(true) {
    const { user, pass } = yield take(LOGIN_REQUEST)
    try {
      let { data } = yield call(request.post, '/login', { user, pass });
      yield fork(loadUserData, data.uid);
      yield put({ type: LOGIN_SUCCESS, data });
    } catch(error) {
      yield put({ type: LOGIN_ERROR, error });

export function* loadUserData(uid) {
  try {
    yield put({ type: USERDATA_REQUEST });
    let { data } = yield call(request.get, `/users/${uid}`);
    yield put({ type: USERDATA_SUCCESS, data });
  } catch(error) {
    yield put({ type: USERDATA_ERROR, error });

首先要注意的是,我们使用yield call(func,…args)的形式调用api函数。call并不执行效果,它只是创建一个普通的对象,如{type: ' call ', func, args}。执行委托给redux-saga中间件,该中间件负责执行函数并使用结果恢复生成器。


const iterator = loginSaga()

assert.deepEqual(iterator.next().value, take(LOGIN_REQUEST))

// resume the generator with some dummy action
const mockAction = {user: '...', pass: '...'}
  call(request.post, '/login', mockAction)

// simulate an error result
const mockError = 'invalid user/password'
  put({ type: LOGIN_ERROR, error: mockError })


要注意的第二件事是yield take(ACTION)的调用。动作创建者在每个新动作(例如LOGIN_REQUEST)上调用链接。也就是说,动作会不断地推送给坦克,而坦克无法控制何时停止处理这些动作。

在redux-saga中,生成器拉动下一个动作。也就是说,他们可以控制什么时候听某些动作,什么时候不听。在上面的例子中,流指令被放置在一个while(true)循环中,因此它将侦听每个传入的动作,这在某种程度上模仿了thunk push行为。


处理注销用户操作 在第一次成功登录时,服务器返回一个令牌,该令牌将在某个延迟中过期,存储在expires_in字段中。我们必须在每个expires_in毫秒时在后台刷新授权 考虑到在等待api调用的结果时(无论是初始登录还是刷新),用户可能会中途注销。


function* authorize(credentials) {
  const token = yield call(api.authorize, credentials)
  yield put( login.success(token) )
  return token

function* authAndRefreshTokenOnExpiry(name, password) {
  let token = yield call(authorize, {name, password})
  while(true) {
    yield call(delay, token.expires_in)
    token = yield call(authorize, {token})

function* watchAuth() {
  while(true) {
    try {
      const {name, password} = yield take(LOGIN_REQUEST)

      yield race([
        call(authAndRefreshTokenOnExpiry, name, password)

      // user logged out, next while iteration will wait for the
      // next LOGIN_REQUEST action

    } catch(error) {
      yield put( login.error(error) )

在上面的例子中,我们使用race来表达并发性需求。如果take(注销)赢得比赛(即用户点击注销按钮)。竞赛将自动取消authAndRefreshTokenOnExpiry后台任务。如果authAndRefreshTokenOnExpiry在调用(authorize, {token})中被阻塞,它也会被取消。取消自动向下传播。


一个小提示。生成器是可取消的,async/await - not。 举个例子,选什么并没有什么意义。 但对于更复杂的流,有时没有比使用生成器更好的解决方案了。




Redux- thunk和Redux- saga在一些重要的方面有所不同,它们都是Redux的中间件库(Redux中间件是通过dispatch()方法拦截进入商店的操作的代码)。


const loginRequest = {
    type: 'LOGIN_REQUEST',
    payload: {
        name: 'admin',
        password: '123',
    }, };


除了分派标准的动作,redux -坦克中间件还允许你分派特殊的函数,称为坦克。


export const thunkName =
   parameters =>
        (dispatch, getState) => {
            // Your application logic goes here




saga是通过称为生成器函数的特殊函数实现的。这些是ES6 JavaScript的新特性。基本上,在任何看到yield语句的地方,执行都会在生成器中跳跃。将yield语句看作是导致生成器暂停并返回yield值的语句。稍后,调用者可以在yield之后的语句处恢复生成器。


function* mySaga() {
    // ...

一旦登录传奇注册到Redux-Saga。但是在第一行上的yield take将暂停saga,直到带有“LOGIN_REQUEST”类型的操作被分派到商店。一旦发生这种情况,执行将继续进行。





Hook + async thunk (Hook使一切都非常灵活,所以你可以将async thunk放在你想要的地方,并将其作为普通函数使用,例如,仍然在操作中编写thunk。ts然后使用dispatch()来触发坦克:https://stackoverflow.com/a/59991104/5256695), useRequest, GraphQL/Apollo useQuery useMutation react-fetching-library 其他流行的数据获取/API调用库、工具、设计模式等





For coding style and readability, one of the most significant advantages of using redux-saga in the past is to avoid callback hell in redux-thunk — one does not need to use many nesting then/catch anymore. But now with the popularity of async/await thunk, one could also write async code in sync style when using redux-thunk, which may be regarded as an improvement in redux-thunk. One may need to write much more boilerplate codes when using redux-saga, especially in Typescript. For example, if one wants to implement a fetch async function, the data and error handling could be directly performed in one thunk unit in action.js with one single FETCH action. But in redux-saga, one may need to define FETCH_START, FETCH_SUCCESS and FETCH_FAILURE actions and all their related type-checks, because one of the features in redux-saga is to use this kind of rich “token” mechanism to create effects and instruct redux store for easy testing. Of course one could write a saga without using these actions, but that would make it similar to a thunk. In terms of the file structure, redux-saga seems to be more explicit in many cases. One could easily find an async related code in every sagas.ts, but in redux-thunk, one would need to see it in actions. Easy testing may be another weighted feature in redux-saga. This is truly convenient. But one thing that needs to be clarified is that redux-saga “call” test would not perform actual API call in testing, thus one would need to specify the sample result for the steps which may be used after the API call. Therefore before writing in redux-saga, it would be better to plan a saga and its corresponding sagas.spec.ts in detail. Redux-saga also provides many advanced features such as running tasks in parallel, concurrency helpers like takeLatest/takeEvery, fork/spawn, which are far more powerful than thunks.

In conclusion, personally, I would like to say: in many normal cases and small to medium size apps, go with async/await style redux-thunk. It would save you many boilerplate codes/actions/typedefs, and you would not need to switch around many different sagas.ts and maintain a specific sagas tree. But if you are developing a large app with much complex async logic and the need for features like concurrency/parallel pattern, or have a high demand for testing and maintenance (especially in test-driven development), redux-sagas would possibly save your life.




