在Java Maven项目中,如何从JSON生成Java源文件?例如,我们有
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
"city": "New York"
当我们运行mvn generate-sources时,我们希望它生成这样的东西:
class Address {
JSONObject mInternalJSONObject;
Address (JSONObject json){
mInternalJSONObject = json;
String getStreetAddress () {
return mInternalJSONObject.getString("streetAddress");
String getCity (){
return mInternalJSONObject.getString("city");
class Person {
JSONObject mInternalJSONObject;
Person (JSONObject json){
mInternalJSONObject = json;
String getFirstName () {
return mInternalJSONObject.getString("firstName");
String getLastName (){
return mInternalJSONObject.getString("lastName");
Address getAddress (){
return Address(mInternalJSONObject.getString("address"));
The JSON Schema spec has moved on a lot. It's still in draft (not finalised) but it's close to completion and is now a viable tool specifying your structural rules
I've recently started a new open source project specifically intended to solve your problem: jsonschema2pojo. The jsonschema2pojo tool takes a json schema document and generates DTO-style Java classes (in the form of .java source files). The project is not yet mature but already provides coverage of the most useful parts of json schema. I'm looking for more feedback from users to help drive the development. Right now you can use the tool from the command line or as a Maven plugin.
String str =
+ "'title': 'Computing and Information systems',"
+ "'id' : 1,"
+ "'children' : 'true',"
+ "'groups' : [{"
+ "'title' : 'Level one CIS',"
+ "'id' : 2,"
+ "'children' : 'true',"
+ "'groups' : [{"
+ "'title' : 'Intro To Computing and Internet',"
+ "'id' : 3,"
+ "'children': 'false',"
+ "'groups':[]"
+ "}]"
+ "}]"
+ "}";
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(str);
Iterator<String> iterator = json.keys();
while (iterator.hasNext() ){
System.out.println(String.format("public String %s;", iterator.next()));
System.out.println("public void Parse (String str){");
System.out.println("JSONObject json = new JSONObject(str);");
iterator = json.keys();
while (iterator.hasNext() ){
String key = iterator.next();
System.out.println(String.format("this.%s = json.getString(\"%s\");",key,key ));