


Sets in python employ hash table internally. Let us first talk about hash table. Let there be some elements that you want to store in a hash table and you have 31 places in the hash table where you can do so. Let the elements be: 2.83, 8.23, 9.38, 10.23, 25.58, 0.42, 5.37, 28.10, 32.14, 7.31. When you want to use a hash table, you first determine the indices in the hash table where these elements would be stored. Modulus function is a popular way of determining these indices, so let us say we take one element at a time, multiply it by 100 and apply modulo by 31. It is important that each such operation on an element results in a unique number as an entry in a hash table can store only one element unless chaining is allowed. In this way, each element would be stored at a location governed by the indices obtained through modulo operation. Now if you want to search for an element in a set which essentially stores elements using this hash table, you would obtain the element in O(1) time as the index of the element is computed using the modulo operation in a constant time. To expound on the modulo operation, let me also write some code:

piles = [2.83, 8.23, 9.38, 10.23, 25.58, 0.42, 5.37, 28.10, 32.14, 7.31]

def hash_function(x):
    return int(x*100 % 31)

[hash_function(pile) for pile in piles]




事实上,CPython的集合被实现为类似字典的东西 使用虚拟值(键是集合的成员),使用一些 利用这种价值缺失的优化


如果你有这样的倾向,你甚至可以浏览CPython源代码的set,根据Achim Domma,最初主要是从dict实现的剪切和粘贴。


我认为这是一个常见的错误,集查找(或哈希表)不是O(1)。 来自维基百科

In the simplest model, the hash function is completely unspecified and the table does not resize. For the best possible choice of hash function, a table of size n with open addressing has no collisions and holds up to n elements, with a single comparison for successful lookup, and a table of size n with chaining and k keys has the minimum max(0, k-n) collisions and O(1 + k/n) comparisons for lookup. For the worst choice of hash function, every insertion causes a collision, and hash tables degenerate to linear search, with Ω(k) amortized comparisons per insertion and up to k comparisons for a successful lookup.

相关:Java hashmap真的是O(1)吗?


/* set object implementation
 Written and maintained by Raymond D. Hettinger <python@rcn.com>
 Derived from Lib/sets.py and Objects/dictobject.c.
 The basic lookup function used by all operations.
 This is based on Algorithm D from Knuth Vol. 3, Sec. 6.4.
 The initial probe index is computed as hash mod the table size.
 Subsequent probe indices are computed as explained in Objects/dictobject.c.
 To improve cache locality, each probe inspects a series of consecutive
 nearby entries before moving on to probes elsewhere in memory.  This leaves
 us with a hybrid of linear probing and open addressing.  The linear probing
 reduces the cost of hash collisions because consecutive memory accesses
 tend to be much cheaper than scattered probes.  After LINEAR_PROBES steps,
 we then use open addressing with the upper bits from the hash value.  This
 helps break-up long chains of collisions.
 All arithmetic on hash should ignore overflow.
 Unlike the dictionary implementation, the lookkey function can return
 NULL if the rich comparison returns an error.


/* This must be >= 1 */

static setentry *
set_lookkey(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash)  

当人们说集合有O(1)个成员检验时,他们说的是平均情况。在最坏的情况下(当所有散列值碰撞时),成员检查是O(n)。请参阅Python wiki中的时间复杂度。

维基百科文章说,不调整大小的哈希表的最佳情况下时间复杂度是O(1 + k/n)。这个结果并不直接应用于Python集,因为Python集使用一个可以调整大小的哈希表。


大o仅指n→∞时的渐近行为。 由于k/n可以以常数c<1为界,与n无关,

O(1/(1-k/n))不大于O(1/(1-c)),等于O(常数)= O(1)。


Sets in python employ hash table internally. Let us first talk about hash table. Let there be some elements that you want to store in a hash table and you have 31 places in the hash table where you can do so. Let the elements be: 2.83, 8.23, 9.38, 10.23, 25.58, 0.42, 5.37, 28.10, 32.14, 7.31. When you want to use a hash table, you first determine the indices in the hash table where these elements would be stored. Modulus function is a popular way of determining these indices, so let us say we take one element at a time, multiply it by 100 and apply modulo by 31. It is important that each such operation on an element results in a unique number as an entry in a hash table can store only one element unless chaining is allowed. In this way, each element would be stored at a location governed by the indices obtained through modulo operation. Now if you want to search for an element in a set which essentially stores elements using this hash table, you would obtain the element in O(1) time as the index of the element is computed using the modulo operation in a constant time. To expound on the modulo operation, let me also write some code:

piles = [2.83, 8.23, 9.38, 10.23, 25.58, 0.42, 5.37, 28.10, 32.14, 7.31]

def hash_function(x):
    return int(x*100 % 31)

[hash_function(pile) for pile in piles]
