我最近在我的终端上切换到zsh。应用程序在我的OS X机器上成功。zsh的版本号为4.3.11。
如果你没有使用Homebrew,这是我刚刚在MAC OS X Lion(10.7.5)上所做的:
Get the latest version of the ZSH sourcecode Untar the download into its own directory then install: ./configure && make && make test && sudo make install This installs the the zsh binary at /usr/local/bin/zsh. You can now use the shell by loading up a new terminal and executing the binary directly, but you'll want to make it your default shell... To make it your default shell you must first edit /etc/shells and add the new path. Then you can either run chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh or go to System Preferences > Users & Groups > right click your user > Advanced Options... > and then change "Login shell". Load up a terminal and check you're now in the correct version with echo $ZSH_VERSION. (I wasn't at first, and it took me a while to figure out I'd configured iTerm to use a specific shell instead of the system default).
# check the zsh info
brew info zsh
# install zsh
brew install --without-etcdir zsh
# add shell path
sudo vim /etc/shells
# add the following line into the very end of the file(/etc/shells)
# change default shell
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
在终端中输入omz update
如果你没有使用Homebrew,这是我刚刚在MAC OS X Lion(10.7.5)上所做的:
Get the latest version of the ZSH sourcecode Untar the download into its own directory then install: ./configure && make && make test && sudo make install This installs the the zsh binary at /usr/local/bin/zsh. You can now use the shell by loading up a new terminal and executing the binary directly, but you'll want to make it your default shell... To make it your default shell you must first edit /etc/shells and add the new path. Then you can either run chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh or go to System Preferences > Users & Groups > right click your user > Advanced Options... > and then change "Login shell". Load up a terminal and check you're now in the correct version with echo $ZSH_VERSION. (I wasn't at first, and it took me a while to figure out I'd configured iTerm to use a specific shell instead of the system default).
# 1. download (currently the latest version is 5.8) and extract
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/zsh/files/latest/download -O ./zsh-latest.tar.xz
mkdir zsh-latest
tar -xf zsh-latest.tar.xz -C zsh-latest --strip-components=1
cd zsh-latest
# 2. config, build, install
make -j4
sudo make install
which zsh
sudo apt install ncurses-devel # for Ubuntu
sudo yum install ncurses-devel # for CentOS/Redhat