有人知道如何复制SQL Azure数据库到我的开发机器吗?我不想再花钱在云端建立开发数据库,但这是获得生产数据的最佳方式。我将我的生产数据库复制到一个新的开发数据库,但我想在本地拥有相同的数据库。




启动SQL管理工作室 右键单击“数据库”,选择“导入数据层应用程序…” 该向导将引导您完成连接到Azure帐户、创建BACPAC文件和创建数据库的过程。

此外,我使用Sql Backup和FTP (https://sqlbackupandftp.com/)每天备份到一个安全的FTP服务器。我只是从那里取出一个最近的BACPAC文件,然后在同一个对话框中导入它,这样创建本地数据库就更快更容易了。



将Azure SQL数据库导出到blob存储上的BACPAC文件。 在SQL Management studio中,右键单击数据库,单击“导入数据层应用程序”。 系统将提示您输入信息以获取Azure blob存储上的BACPAC文件。 点击next几次,然后…完成了!

我无法让SSIS导入/导出工作,因为我得到了错误“插入只读列“id”失败”。我也不能让http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/工作,上面的链接到SQL Azure数据同步不适合我。



Make or go to a storage account in the Azure Management Portal. You'll need the Blob URL and the Primary access key of the storage account. The blog post advises making a new container for the bacpac file and suggests using the Azure Storage Explorer for that. (N.B. you'll need the Blob URL and the Primary access key of the storage account to add it to the Azure Storage Explorer.) In the Azure Management Portal select the database you want to export and click 'Export' in the Import and Export section of the ribbon. The resulting dialogue requires your username and password for the database, the blob URL, and the access key. Don't forget to include the container in the blob URL and to include a filename (e.g. https://testazurestorage.blob.core.windows.net/dbbackups/mytable.bacpac). After you click Finish the database will be exported to the BACPAC file. This can take a while. You may see a zero byte file show up immediately if you check in the Azure Storage Explorer. This is the Import / Export Service checking that it has write access to the blob-store. Once that is done you can use the Azure Storage Explorer to download the BACPAC file and then in the SQL Server Management Studio right-click your local server's database folder and choose Import Data Tier Application that will start the wizard which reads in the BACPAC file to produce the copy of your Azure database. The wizard can also connect directly to the blob-store to obtain the BACPAC file if you would rather not copy it locally first.

最后一步可能只能在SQL Server Management Studio的SQL Server 2012版(我正在运行的版本)中使用。这台机器上没有更早的。在博客文章中,作者使用命令行工具DacImportExportCli.exe进行导入,我相信可以在http://sqldacexamples.codeplex.com/releases上找到

如果有人想要一个免费有效的选项(也不介意手动操作)来将数据库备份到本地,那么可以使用最新版本Microsoft Visual Studio 2015社区版(免费)或专业/高级/终极版中内置的模式和数据比较功能。它像魔法一样有效!



下载Optillect SQL Azure备份-它有15天的试用期,所以它足以移动你的数据库:)


更多详细信息请参阅本文: 恢复Azure SQL数据库到本地服务器