


// Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings.







到目前为止,我发现保存.vscode的最大项目之一是Mozilla Firefox。 Firefox团队似乎分享了他们的共同任务和推荐的扩展。




举例来说,考虑一下Git 2.19(2018年Q3)选择的方法,它添加了一个脚本(在contrib/中)来帮助VSCode的用户更好地使用Git代码库。


参见Johannes Schindelin (dscho)的commit 12861e2, commit 2a2cdd0, commit 5482f41, commit f2a3b68, commit 0f47f78, commit b4d991d, commit 58930fd, commit dee3382, commit 54c06c6(2018年7月30日)。 (由Junio C Hamano - gitster -在commit 30cf191中合并,2018年8月15日)

contrib: add a script to initialize VS Code configuration VS Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Among other languages, it has support for C/C++ via an extension, which offers to not only build and debug the code, but also Intellisense, i.e. code-aware completion and similar niceties. This patch adds a script that helps set up the environment to work effectively with VS Code: simply run the Unix shell script contrib/vscode/init.sh, which creates the relevant files, and open the top level folder of Git's source code in VS Code.



我从视频中将编辑器设置提交到版本控制?作者:Mattias Petter Johansson

never commit .vscode/settings.json - with the weird exception of search.exclude . If you really need to, be very careful of putting only settings particular of your project that you want to enforce to other developers. for validation, formatting, compilation use other files like package.json, .eslint, tsconfig.json, etc The only .vscode that makes sense to include are complex launch configs for debugging. Be careful, there could be a third party extension in your system that could put private information there !

What you can't do is copy & paste the whole settings.json contents file to .vscode/settings.json. I'm seeing some people doing this and committing the file is an atrocity. In that case you will not only break others workspace but worst, you will be enforcing settings to users that you shouldn't like aesthetics, UI, experience. You probably will break their environments because some are very system dependent. Imagine I have vision problems so my editor.* user settings are personalize and when I open your project the visuals change. Imagine I have vision problems s I need to personalize user editor.* settings to be able to work. I would be angry.

如果你是认真的,不要提交.vscode/settings.json。一般来说,对特定项目有用的设置,如验证、编译,是有意义的,但通常你可以使用特定的工具配置文件,如.eslint、tsconfig。Json,。gitignore, package。Json。等。我猜vscode作者只是添加了简化新人体验的文件,但如果你想认真的不要!


