iOS 9将对企业应用分发进行调整
iOS 9 introduces a new feature to help protect users from installing in-house apps from untrusted sources. While no new app signing or provisioning methods are required, the way your enterprise users manage in-house apps installed on their iOS 9 devices will change. In-house apps installed using an MDM solution are explicitly trusted and will no longer prompt the user to trust the developer that signed and provisioned the app. If your enterprise app does not use an MDM solution, users who install your app for the first time will be prompted to trust the developer. All users who install your app for the first time will need an internet connection. Using a new restriction, organizations can limit the apps installed on their devices to the in-house apps that they create. And a new interface in Settings allows users to see all enterprise apps installed from their organization.
设备:iPad Mini
操作系统:iOS 9 Beta 3
连接设备 打开Xcode 进入“>设备”窗口 右键单击设备并选择Show Provisioning Profiles… 删除企业配置配置文件。点击完成。 HockeyApp开放。安装你的应用。 一旦应用程序完成安装,返回设置>一般>配置文件。您现在应该能够看到您的企业配置配置文件。 单击信任
在iOS 9.1及以下版本,点击“设置”-“常规”-“配置文件”-“信任”按钮。
在iOS 9.2+和iOS 11+去:设置-通用-配置文件和设备管理-轻按你的配置文件-轻按信任按钮。
在iOS 10+系统下,进入:设置—常规—设备管理—轻按配置文件—轻按信任按钮。
对于iOS 9 beta 3,4用户。因为查看配置文件的选项是不可见的,在Xcode中执行以下操作。
打开Xcode 7。 进入窗口,设备。 选择您的设备。 删除设备上加载的所有配置文件。 删除设备上的旧应用程序。 清理并重新构建应用程序到您的设备。
在iOS 9.1+ n iOS 9.2+操作系统中,进入“设置”->常规->设备管理->按“配置文件”->按“信任”。
iOS 9将对企业应用分发进行调整
iOS 9 introduces a new feature to help protect users from installing in-house apps from untrusted sources. While no new app signing or provisioning methods are required, the way your enterprise users manage in-house apps installed on their iOS 9 devices will change. In-house apps installed using an MDM solution are explicitly trusted and will no longer prompt the user to trust the developer that signed and provisioned the app. If your enterprise app does not use an MDM solution, users who install your app for the first time will be prompted to trust the developer. All users who install your app for the first time will need an internet connection. Using a new restriction, organizations can limit the apps installed on their devices to the in-house apps that they create. And a new interface in Settings allows users to see all enterprise apps installed from their organization.
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