
Higher kinded type == type constructor? class AClass[T]{...} // For example, class List[T] Some say this is a higher kinded type, because it abstracts over types which would be compliant with the definition. Higher kinded types are types which take other types and construct a new type These though are also known as type constructor. (For example, in Programming in Scala). Higher kinded type == type constructor which takes type constructor as a type parameter? In the paper Generics of a Higher Kind, you can read ... types that abstract over types that abstract over types ('higher-kinded types') ..." which suggests that class XClass[M[T]]{...} // or trait YTrait[N[_]]{...} // e.g. trait Functor[F[_]] is a higher kinded type.



Scala REPL提供:kind命令

scala> :help kind

:kind [-v] <type>
Displays the kind of a given type.


scala> trait Foo[A]
trait Foo

scala> trait Bar[F[_]]
trait Bar

scala> :kind -v Foo
Foo's kind is F[A]
* -> *
This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.

scala> :kind -v Foo[Int]
Foo[Int]'s kind is A
This is a proper type.

scala> :kind -v Bar
Bar's kind is X[F[A]]
(* -> *) -> *
This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type.

scala> :kind -v Bar[Foo]
Bar[Foo]'s kind is A
This is a proper type.

help提供了清晰的定义,所以我认为有必要将其完整地发布在这里(Scala 2.13.2)

scala> :help kind

:kind [-v] <type>
Displays the kind of a given type.

    -v      Displays verbose info.

"Kind" is a word used to classify types and type constructors
according to their level of abstractness.

Concrete, fully specified types such as `Int` and `Option[Int]`
are called "proper types" and denoted as `A` using Scala
notation, or with the `*` symbol.

    scala> :kind Option[Int]
    Option[Int]'s kind is A

In the above, `Option` is an example of a first-order type
constructor, which is denoted as `F[A]` using Scala notation, or
* -> * using the star notation. `:kind` also includes variance
information in its output, so if we ask for the kind of `Option`,
we actually see `F[+A]`:

    scala> :k -v Option
    Option's kind is F[+A]
    * -(+)-> *
    This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.

When you have more complicated types, `:kind` can be used to find
out what you need to pass in.

    scala> trait ~>[-F1[_], +F2[_]] {}
    scala> :kind ~>
    ~>'s kind is X[-F1[A1],+F2[A2]]

This shows that `~>` accepts something of `F[A]` kind, such as
`List` or `Vector`. It's an example of a type constructor that
abstracts over type constructors, also known as a higher-order
type constructor or a higher-kinded type.


像Int和Char这样的普通类型,其实例是值,是*。像Maybe这样的一元类型构造函数是* -> *;像Either这样的二进制类型构造函数有(curried) kind * -> * -> *,等等。可以将Maybe和Either这样的类型视为类型级函数:它们接受一个或多个类型,并返回一个类型。


(0: 1:: Int Order 1: chr:: Int -> Char 订单2:修复::(- >)- >,地图::(a - > b) - > [a] - > [b] 阶3:(A -> B) -> C) -> D 阶4:(((A -> B) -> C) -> D) -> E


顺序0:Int:: * 顺序1:可能是::* -> * Order 2: Functor::(* -> *) -> Constraint-higher-kinded:将一元类型构造函数转换为类型类约束

Scala REPL提供:kind命令

scala> :help kind

:kind [-v] <type>
Displays the kind of a given type.


scala> trait Foo[A]
trait Foo

scala> trait Bar[F[_]]
trait Bar

scala> :kind -v Foo
Foo's kind is F[A]
* -> *
This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.

scala> :kind -v Foo[Int]
Foo[Int]'s kind is A
This is a proper type.

scala> :kind -v Bar
Bar's kind is X[F[A]]
(* -> *) -> *
This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type.

scala> :kind -v Bar[Foo]
Bar[Foo]'s kind is A
This is a proper type.

help提供了清晰的定义,所以我认为有必要将其完整地发布在这里(Scala 2.13.2)

scala> :help kind

:kind [-v] <type>
Displays the kind of a given type.

    -v      Displays verbose info.

"Kind" is a word used to classify types and type constructors
according to their level of abstractness.

Concrete, fully specified types such as `Int` and `Option[Int]`
are called "proper types" and denoted as `A` using Scala
notation, or with the `*` symbol.

    scala> :kind Option[Int]
    Option[Int]'s kind is A

In the above, `Option` is an example of a first-order type
constructor, which is denoted as `F[A]` using Scala notation, or
* -> * using the star notation. `:kind` also includes variance
information in its output, so if we ask for the kind of `Option`,
we actually see `F[+A]`:

    scala> :k -v Option
    Option's kind is F[+A]
    * -(+)-> *
    This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.

When you have more complicated types, `:kind` can be used to find
out what you need to pass in.

    scala> trait ~>[-F1[_], +F2[_]] {}
    scala> :kind ~>
    ~>'s kind is X[-F1[A1],+F2[A2]]

This shows that `~>` accepts something of `F[A]` kind, such as
`List` or `Vector`. It's an example of a type constructor that
abstracts over type constructors, also known as a higher-order
type constructor or a higher-kinded type.



Before that Scala, as Java till now, did not allow to use type constructor ("generics" in Java) to be used as type parameter to a type constructor. e.g. trait Monad [M[_]] was not possible. In Scala 2.5 the type system had been extended by the ability to classify types on a higher level (known as type constructor polymorphism). These classifications are known as kinds. (Picture derived from Generics of a Higher Kind) The consequence is, that type constructor (e.g. List) could be used just as other types in type parameter position of type constructors and so they became first class types since Scala 2.5. (Similar to functions which are first class values in Scala). In the context of a type system supporting higher kinds, we can distinguish proper types, types like Int or List[Int] from first-order types like List and types of a higher kind like Functor or Monad (types which abstract over types which abstract over types). The type system of Java on the other side does not support kinds and therefore has no types of a "higher kind". So this has to be seen against the background of the supporting type system. In the case of Scala you often see examples of a type constructor like trait Iterable[A, Container[_]] with the headline "Higher kinded types", e.g. in Scala for generic programmers, section 4.3 This is sometimes missleading, because many refer to Container as higher kinded type and not Iterable, but what is more precise is, the use of Container as type constructor parameter of a higher kinded (higher-order) type here Iterable.


trait Functor [F[_]] {
   def map[A,B] (fn: A=>B)(fa: F[A]): F[B]





类型构造函数是一种类型,可以应用于类型参数以“构造”类型。 值构造函数是一个可以应用于值参数以“构造”值的值。


在抽象/多态性上下文中,一阶指的是抽象的“单次使用”:对一个类型进行一次抽象,但该类型本身不能对任何东西进行抽象。Java 5泛型是一阶的。


类型构造函数是一种可以应用于适当类型参数以“构造”适当类型的类型。 值构造函数是一个值,您可以将其应用到适当的值参数以“构造”适当的值。






类型构造函数是一种可以应用于类型参数(适当类型或类型构造函数)以“构造”适当类型(构造函数)的类型。 值构造函数是一个可以应用于值参数(正确值或值构造函数)以“构造”正确值(构造函数)的值。



                   proper    first-order           higher-order

values             10        (x: Int) => x         (f: (Int => Int)) => f(10)
types (classes)    String    List                  Functor
types              String    ({type λ[x] = x})#λ   ({type λ[F[x]] = F[String]})#λ


class String
class List[T]
class Functor[F[_]]

为了避免通过定义类来避免间接,你需要以某种方式表达匿名类型函数,这在Scala中是无法直接表达的,但你可以使用结构类型,没有太多的语法开销(#λ style是由于https://stackoverflow.com/users/160378/retronym afaik):


types (informally) String    [x] => x              [F[x]] => F[String]) // I repeat, this is not valid Scala, and might never be


ps:更复杂的是,“多态”在另一种方式上是模棱两可的,因为一个多态类型有时意味着一个普遍量化的类型,例如Forall T, T => T,这是一个适当的类型,因为它对多态值进行了分类(在Scala中,这个值可以写成结构类型{def apply[T](x: T): T = x})