我是Spring框架的新手,我一直在摆弄它,并把一些样本应用放在一起,目的是评估Spring MVC在即将到来的公司项目中的使用。到目前为止,我真的很喜欢Spring MVC,它看起来很容易使用,并鼓励你编写对单元测试非常友好的类。







ApplicationContext是比BeanFactory更可取的方式 在新的Spring版本中,BeanFactory被ApplicationContext取代。但是仍然存在用于向后兼容的BeanFactory ApplicationContext扩展了BeanFactory,并具有以下优点 它支持文本消息的国际化 它支持将事件发布到已注册的侦听器 访问资源,如url和文件


BeanFactory和ApplicationContext都是从spring IOC容器中获取bean的方法,但仍有一些区别。




ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("appConfig.xml");
XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource);


BeanFactory instantiate bean when you call getBean() method while ApplicationContext instantiate Singleton bean when container is started, It doesn't wait for getBean() to be called. BeanFactory doesn't provide support for internationalization but ApplicationContext provides support for it. Another difference between BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext is ability to publish event to beans that are registered as listener. One of the popular implementation of BeanFactory interface is XMLBeanFactory while one of the popular implementation of ApplicationContext interface is ClassPathXmlApplicationContext. If you are using auto wiring and using BeanFactory than you need to register AutoWiredBeanPostProcessor using API which you can configure in XML if you are using ApplicationContext. In summary BeanFactory is OK for testing and non production use but ApplicationContext is more feature rich container implementation and should be favored over BeanFactory BeanFactory by default its support Lazy loading and ApplicationContext by default support Aggresive loading.





我认为值得一提的是,从Spring 3开始,如果您想创建一个工厂,您还可以使用@configuration注释结合适当的@scope

public class MyFactory {

    public MyClass create() {
        return new MyClass();




除了标准的org.springframework.bean .factory. beanfactory生命周期功能外,ApplicationContext实现还可以检测和 调用ApplicationContextAware bean以及ResourceLoaderAware、ApplicationEventPublisherAware和MessageSourceAware bean。

我需要解释BeanFactory & ApplicationContext。

BeanFactory: BeanFactory is root interface for accessing the SpringBean Container.There is basic client view of a bean container. That interface is implemented by the object class that holds the number of beans definitions, and each uniquely identify by the String name Depending the Bean definition the factory will return the instance that instance may be the instance of contained object or a single shared instance. Which type of instance will be return depends of bean factory configuration. Normally Bean factory will load the all the all the beans definition, which stored in the configuration source like XML...etc.


应用程序上下文 应用程序上下文是spring应用程序中的一个中心接口,它向应用程序提供配置信息。它实现了Bean工厂接口。



Bean factory methods for accessing application components. Inherited from ListableBeanFactory. The ability to load file resources in a generic fashion. Inherited from the ResourceLoader interface. The ability to publish events to registered listeners. Inherited from the ApplicationEventPublisher interface. The ability to resolve messages, supporting internationalization. Inherited from the MessageSource interface. Inheritance from a parent context. Definitions in a descendant context will always take priority. This means, for example, that a single parent context can be used by an entire web application, while each servlet has its own child context that is independent of that of any other servlet. In addition to standard BeanFactory lifecycle capabilities, ApplicationContext implementations detect and invoke ApplicationContextAware beans as well as ResourceLoaderAware, ApplicationEventPublisherAware and MessageSourceAware beans.