我不明白为什么在Express应用程序中需要体解析器,因为我们可以不使用体解析器来获取数据。 它到底做什么,怎么做?




编辑:2019年4月2日 在express@4.16.0中,express中包含了体解析器中间件,因此您不再需要单独安装体解析器。更多细节请看这个


要在Express.js版本4及更高版本中处理HTTP POST请求,需要安装名为body-parser的中间件模块。



这个体解析器模块解析使用HTTP POST请求提交的JSON、缓冲区、字符串和URL编码的数据。使用NPM安装体解析器,如下所示。

npm install body-parser --save







const app = express();
app.use(express.json({ limit: '100mb' }));



In short; body-parser extracts the entire body portion of an incoming request stream and exposes it on req.body as something easier to interface with. You don't need it per se, because you could do all of that yourself. However, it will most likely do what you want and save you the trouble. To go a little more in depth; body-parser gives you a middleware which uses nodejs/zlib to unzip the incoming request data if it's zipped and stream-utils/raw-body to await the full, raw contents of the request body before "parsing it" (this means that if you weren't going to use the request body, you just wasted some time). After having the raw contents, body-parser will parse it using one of four strategies, depending on the specific middleware you decided to use: bodyParser.raw(): Doesn't actually parse the body, but just exposes the buffered up contents from before in a Buffer on req.body. bodyParser.text(): Reads the buffer as plain text and exposes the resulting string on req.body. bodyParser.urlencoded(): Parses the text as URL encoded data (which is how browsers tend to send form data from regular forms set to POST) and exposes the resulting object (containing the keys and values) on req.body. For comparison; in PHP all of this is automatically done and exposed in $_POST. bodyParser.json(): Parses the text as JSON and exposes the resulting object on req.body. Only after setting the req.body to the desirable contents will it call the next middleware in the stack, which can then access the request data without having to think about how to unzip and parse it.

你可以参考body-parser github来阅读他们的文档,它包含了关于其工作的信息。