我创建了一个使用标签框下拉的web应用程序。除了Chrome浏览器(Version 21.0.1180.89),这在所有浏览器中都很有效。
我创建了一个使用标签框下拉的web应用程序。除了Chrome浏览器(Version 21.0.1180.89),这在所有浏览器中都很有效。
[2021年适用于Chrome(v88, 89, 90), Firefox, Brave, Safari] 旧的答案已经写在这里,将适用于试验和错误,但大多数 他们没有链接到任何官方文件或什么Chrome不得不说这一点 的事。
问题中提到的问题是因为Chrome的自动填充功能,这里是Chrome在这个bug链接中的立场- https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=468153#c164
[CASE 1]: Your input type is something other than password. In this case, the solution is simple, and has three steps. Add name attribute to input name should not start with a value like email or username, otherwise Chrome still ends up showing the dropdown. For example, name="emailToDelete" shows the dropdown, but name="to-delete-email" doesn't. Same applies for autocomplete attribute. Add autocomplete attribute, and add a value which is meaningful for you, like new-field-name It will look like this, and you won't see the autofill for this input again for the rest of your life - <input type="text/number/something-other-than-password" name="x-field-1" autocomplete="new-field-1" /> [CASE 2]: input type is password Well, in this case, irrespective of your trials, Chrome will show you the dropdown to manage passwords / use an already existing password. Firefox will also do something similar, and same will be the case with all other major browsers. [1] In this case, if you really want to stop the user from seeing the dropdown to manage passwords / see a securely generated password, you will have to play around with JS to switch input type, as mentioned in the other answers of this question.
[1]关于关闭自动补全的详细MDN文档- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Securing_your_site/Turning_off_form_autocompletion
< onclick输入=“$”.removeAttr(readonly);attr(“readonly”,true);“readonly />
import React from 'react'
// Google Chrome stubbornly refuses to respect the autocomplete="off" HTML attribute so
// we have to give it a "fake" field for it to autocomplete that never gets "used".
const DontBeEvil = () => (
<div style={{ display: 'none' }}>
<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="password" name="password" />
export default DontBeEvil
我使用Chrome -版本64.0.3282.140(正式版本)(64位),并使用以下代码和表单名称,它适用于我。
<form name="formNameHere">....</form>
<script type="text/javascript">