



使用docker images查看已安装的映像,使用docker ps查看正在运行的映像。 当你输入docker run时,它会获取映像,并使其成为一个带有运行进程的活容器。我倾向于使用:

Docker运行-ti <image>:<tag> bash



容器是基于图像的。需要将图像传递给Dockers run命令。




注册表是Docker镜像的目录,Docker客户端可以与之通信并从中下载镜像。一旦图像被拉出,Docker启动一个容器并执行echo hello world命令。

The official difference is that the container is the last layer which is writable whereas the layers below are only readable and they belong to your image. The intuitive difference is that the docker instance is the instance virtualized by your docker daemon and the running your image, it operates within an isolated section of your kernel (this process is hidden from you). The image however is static, it doesn't run, it is just a pile of layers (static files). If we would relate this paradigm to object-oriented programming, the image is your class definition, whereas your docker instance is your class spawned object that resides in memory.



从名为“ubuntu”的基本图像开始。让我们在ubuntu映像中交互式地运行bash并创建一个文件。我们将使用-i和-t标志来提供一个交互式bash shell。

$ docker run -i -t ubuntu  /bin/bash
root@48cff2e9be75:/# ls
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
root@48cff2e9be75:/# cat > foo
This is a really important file!!!!
root@48cff2e9be75:/# exit


$ docker run -i -t ubuntu  /bin/bash
root@abf181be4379:/# ls
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
root@abf181be4379:/# exit


$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED              STATUS                          PORTS                      NAMES
abf181be4379        ubuntu:14.04        /bin/bash              17 seconds ago       Exited (0) 12 seconds ago                                  elegant_ardinghelli    
48cff2e9be75        ubuntu:14.04        /bin/bash              About a minute ago   Exited (0) 50 seconds ago                                  determined_pare        


$ docker commit 48cff2e9be75 ubuntu-foo


$ docker run ubuntu-foo /bin/cat foo
This is a really important file!!!!




当您执行docker run命令时,您在命令行上提供一个映像以及任何配置,docker根据您提供的映像定义和配置返回一个容器。

References: to the docker engine, an image is just an image id. This is a unique immutable hash. A change to an image results in creating a new image id. However, you can have one or more references pointing to an image id, not unlike symbolic links. And these references can be updated to point to new image id's. Note that when you create a container, docker will resolve that reference at the time of container creation, so you cannot update the image of a running container. Instead, you create a new image, and create a new container based on that new image.

Layers: Digging a bit deeper, you have filesystem layers. Docker assembles images with a layered filesystem. Each layer is a read-only set of changes to the filesystem, and that layer is represented by a unique hash. Using these read-only layers, multiple images may extend another, and only the differences between those images need to be stored or transmitted over the network. When a Docker container is run, it receives a container specific read-write filesystem layer unique to that container, and all of the image layers are assembled with that using a union filesystem. A read is processed through each layer until the file is found, a deletion is found, or the file is not found in the bottom layer. A write performs a copy-on-write from the image read-only layer to the container specific read-write layer. And a deletion is recorded as a change to the container specific read-write layer. A common step in building images is to run a command in a temporary container based off the previous image filesystem state and save the resulting container specific layer as a layer in the new image.

DockerFile——(构建)——> DockerImage——(运行)——> DockerContainer


Docker Image是你在构建Docker文件时得到的。


我们可以通过拖动Docker hub来获取Docker Image,然后运行它来获取container。