和其他人一样,我需要在Internet Explorer 6和Internet Explorer 7上测试我的代码。现在Internet Explorer 8为开发人员提供了一些很棒的工具,我很乐意使用。我还想开始用Internet Explorer 8测试我的代码,因为它很快就会发布。

The question is: how to run Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine. So far with Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 I've been using Multiple IE. But people have reported (see comments on the page linked in the previous sentence) issue with Internet Explorer 6 after installing Internet Explorer 8. Those errors are related to focus in form fields. Running Internet Explorer 7 wouldn't matter so much as Internet Explorer 8 can use the Internet Explorer 7 rendering engine, but we still need Internet Explorer 6.

如何在同一台机器上运行Internet Explorer 6、Internet Explorer 7和Internet Explorer 8 ?


多个即 http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE 将ie安装到6,不中断当前的安装(我有7和它离开它是)。 现在我需要找到一种方法在所有这些之上运行8。6和7已经运行良好多亏了上面的小应用程序。(仅在XP上测试)



例如,即使您没有安装这些浏览器,您也可以在Internet Explorer 6、Internet Explorer 7、Internet Explorer 8、Firefox和Safari中查看页面的外观。

为了备份其他用户,您需要在Windows机器上运行Virtual PC实例。如果您尝试进行Internet Explorer的多安装,则会破坏页面上的条件注释,这将使测试变得困难(例如,使用Internet Explorer 5、6和7。在Windows机器上,即使在ie 5中,IF语句也会解析为ie 7,这意味着更奇怪的bug。

更多信息以及下载和运行Internet Explorer 6虚拟映像的链接: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2007/04/17/ie7-virtual-pc-image-and-ie6-virtual-pc-image-refresh.aspx

如果你已经有了虚拟电脑,下面是图片: http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=21eabb90-958f-4b64-b5f1-73d0a413c8ef&displaylang=en

在同一台机器上使用Windows 7 XP模式运行IE6、IE7和IE8



Utilu IE Collection contains multiple IE versions, which are standalone so they can be used at the same time. Conditional Comments work exactly the same as in the native versions. The original version number is shown correctly in the User Agent string. The version number can be found in the window title too. Utilu IE Collection also includes the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar 1.00.2189.0. This Explorer Bar provides a variety of tools which make troubleshooting websites easier. The Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar is compatible with Internet Explorer 5.0 and higher when using Windows 2000 or higher. Utilu IE Collection has the option to install the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer. Firebug provides a lot of useful tools which make web development easier...

最好的,可能也是唯一的解决方案可能是IE测试器,可以在ietester[dot]com找到它使用所有IE 6, 7和8的IE引擎!我还没发现任何矛盾!