我已经开始学习React出于好奇,想知道React和React Native之间的区别-虽然不能找到一个满意的答案使用谷歌。React和React Native似乎有相同的格式。它们的语法完全不同吗?
React-Native是一个跨平台的应用程序,使用reactjs为所有平台(iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Mac, Linux)构建相同的代码。
React Js是一个前端javascript库,它是一个很大的库,而不是一个框架
它遵循有助于构建的基于组件的方法 可重用的UI组件 它用于开发复杂的交互式web和移动UI 尽管它在2015年才开源,但它拥有最大的社区之一支持它。
React’s virtual DOM is faster than the conventional full refresh model, since the virtual DOM refreshes only parts of the page. You can reuse code components in React, saving you a lot of time. (You can in React Native too.) As a business: The rendering of your pages completely, from the server to the browser will improve the SEO of your web app. It improves the debugging speed making your developer’s life easier. You can use hybrid mobile app development, like Cordova or Ionic, to build mobile apps with React, but is more efficiently building mobile apps with React Native from many points.
Its main focus is all about Mobile User Interfaces. iOS & Android are covered. Reusable React Native UI components & modules allow hybrid apps to render natively. No need to overhaul your old app. All you have to do is add React Native UI components into your existing app’s code, without having to rewrite. Doesn't use HTML to render the app. Provides alternative components that work in a similar way, so it wouldn't be hard to understand them. Because your code doesn’t get rendered in an HTML page, this also means you won’t be able to reuse any libraries you previously used with React that renders any kind of HTML, SVG or Canvas. React Native is not made from web elements and can’t be styled in the same way. Goodbye CSS Animations!
React Native主要是用JavaScript开发的,这意味着你需要开始的大部分代码都可以跨平台共享。React Native将使用本地组件进行渲染。React Native应用程序是用目标平台所需的语言开发的,iOS的Objective-C或Swift, Android的Java等。所编写的代码不是跨平台共享的,它们的行为各不相同。他们可以直接使用平台提供的所有功能,不受任何限制。
React是Facebook开发的一个开源JavaScript库,用于构建用户界面。它用于处理web和移动应用程序的视图层。ReactJS用于创建可重用的UI组件。它是目前It领域最流行的JavaScript库之一,它有强大的基础和庞大的社区支持。如果你学习ReactJS,你需要有JavaScript, HTML5和CSS的知识。
React-Native是一个跨平台的应用程序,使用reactjs为所有平台(iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Mac, Linux)构建相同的代码。
React Native是一个移动框架,它利用了主机上可用的JavaScript引擎,允许你在JavaScript中为不同的平台(iOS, Android和Windows mobile)构建移动应用程序,允许你使用React js构建可重用的组件,并与本地组件通信
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