.jar文件和.war文件有什么区别? 仅仅是文件扩展名还是还有其他的东西?
战争:网络应用 Jar:用于桌面应用程序
战争:开发浏览器 在机器上工作
You add web components to a J2EE application in a package called a web application archive (WAR), which is a JAR similar to the package used for Java class libraries. A WAR usually contains other resources besides web components, including: Server-side utility classes (database beans, shopping carts, and so on). Static web resources (HTML, image, and sound files, and so on) Client-side classes (applets and utility classes) A WAR has a specific hierarchical directory structure. The top-level directory of a WAR is the document root of the application. The document root is where JSP pages, client-side classes and archives, and static web resources are stored.
所以。war是一个。jar,但它包含web应用程序组件,并根据特定的结构进行布局。.war被设计为部署到web应用服务器(如Tomcat或Jetty)或Java EE服务器(如JBoss或Glassfish)。
战争:网络应用 Jar:用于桌面应用程序
战争:开发浏览器 在机器上工作
Jar:—Jar只包含.class War: War包含html, js, CSS和.class以及JSP和servlet页面
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