

Java被编译成字节码,然后进入Java VM,由其解释。








提前编译并作为本地代码执行(类似于大多数c++编译器) 及时编译并执行 解释 由受支持的处理器直接执行(字节码是某些cpu的本机指令集)


对于Java的现有实现,大多数都涉及到字节码的编译步骤,因此它们涉及到编译。运行时还可以动态加载字节码,因此总是需要某种形式的字节码解释器。 该解释器可能会也可能不会在内部使用对本机代码的编译。



Application developers can develop the application code on any of the various OS that are available in the market today. Java language is agnostic at this stage to the OS. The brilliant source code written by the Java Application developer now gets compiled to Java Byte code which in the Java terminology is referred to as Client Side compilation. This compilation to Java Byte code is what enables Java developers to ‘write once’. Java Byte code can run on any compatible OS and server, hence making the source code agnostic of OS/Server. Post Java Byte code creation, the interaction between the Java application and the underlying OS/Server is more intimate. The journey continues - The enterprise applications framework executes these Java Byte codes in a run time environment which is known as Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JVM has close ties to the underlying OS and Hardware because it leverages resources offered by the OS and the Server. Java Byte code is now compiled to a machine language executable code which is platform specific. This is referred to as Server side compilation.



首先由一个名为javac的程序编译为字节码,如上图左侧所示; 然后,如上图右侧所示,另一个名为java的程序启动java运行时环境,它可以使用java解释器/JIT编译器编译和/或解释字节码。

When does java interpret the bytecode and when does it compile it? The application code is initially interpreted, but the JVM monitors which sequences of bytecode are frequently executed and translates them to machine code for direct execution on the hardware. For bytecode which is executed only a few times, this saves the compilation time and reduces the initial latency; for frequently executed bytecode, JIT compilation is used to run at high speed, after an initial phase of slow interpretation. Additionally, since a program spends most time executing a minority of its code, the reduced compilation time is significant. Finally, during the initial code interpretation, execution statistics can be collected before compilation, which helps to perform better optimization.


在Java中,程序不会被编译成可执行文件;它们被编译成字节码(如前所述),然后JVM (Java虚拟机)在运行时解释/执行字节码。当我们使用javac编译器时,Java源代码被编译成字节码。字节码保存在文件扩展名为.class的磁盘上。


Javac is the Java Compiler which Compiles Java code into Bytecode. JVM is Java Virtual Machine which Runs/ Interprets/ translates Bytecode into Native Machine Code. In Java though it is considered as an interpreted language, It may use JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation when the bytecode is in the JVM. The JIT compiler reads the bytecodes in many sections (or in full, rarely) and compiles them dynamically into machine code so the program can run faster, and then cached and reused later without needing to be recompiled. So JIT compilation combines the speed of compiled code with the flexibility of interpretation.


