
perl -E 'say "=" x 100'



    # argument 1: The string to print
    # argument 2: The number of times to print

    # Find the largest integer value of x in 2^x=(number of times to repeat) using logarithms
    power=`echo "l(${length})/l(2)" | bc -l`
    power=`echo "scale=0; ${power}/1" | bc`

    # Get the difference between the length and 2^x
    diff=`echo "${length} - 2^${power}" | bc`

    # Double the string length to the power of x
    for i in `seq "${power}"`; do 

    #Since we know that the string is now at least bigger than half the total, grab however many more we need and add it to the string.
    echo ${stringToPrint}


#!/usr/bin/awk -f
  OFS = "="
  NF = 100


#!/usr/bin/awk -f
  while (z++ < 100) printf "="


正如其他人所说,在bash中,大括号展开先于参数展开,因此{m,n}范围只能包含字面量。Seq和jot提供了干净的解决方案,但不能完全从一个系统移植到另一个系统,即使在每个系统上使用相同的shell。(尽管seq越来越多;例如,在FreeBSD 9.3和更高版本中。)eval和其他形式的间接方法总是有效的,但有些不优雅。


repecho() { for ((i=0; i<$1; ++i)); do echo -n "$2"; done; echo; }

这将重复次数作为第一个参数,将要重复的字符串(如问题描述中所示,可以是单个字符)作为第二个参数。Repecho 7b输出BBBBBBB(以换行符结束)。

Dennis Williamson四年前在他关于在shell脚本中创建重复字符字符串的出色回答中给出了这个解决方案。我的函数体与代码略有不同:

Since the focus here is on repeating a single character and the shell is bash, it's probably safe to use echo instead of printf. And I read the problem description in this question as expressing a preference to print with echo. The above function definition works in bash and ksh93. Although printf is more portable (and should usually be used for this sort of thing), echo's syntax is arguably more readable. Some shells' echo builtins interpret - by itself as an option--even though the usual meaning of -, to use stdin for input, is nonsensical for echo. zsh does this. And there definitely exist echos that don't recognize -n, as it is not standard. (Many Bourne-style shells don't accept C-style for loops at all, thus their echo behavior needn't be considered..) Here the task is to print the sequence; there, it was to assign it to a variable.


while ((n--)); do echo -n "$s"; done; echo



seq -s= 100|tr -d '[:digit:]'
# Editor's note: This requires BSD seq, and breaks with GNU seq (see comments)


printf %100s |tr " " "="






If your repeat count is small, say up to around 100, it's worth going with the Bash-only solutions, as the startup cost of external utilities matters, especially Perl's. Pragmatically speaking, however, if you only need one instance of repeating characters, all existing solutions may be fine. With large repeat counts, use external utilities, as they'll be much faster. In particular, avoid Bash's global substring replacement with large strings (e.g., ${var// /=}), as it is prohibitively slow.

以下是在一台配有3.2 GHz Intel酷睿i5 CPU和Fusion Drive的2012年末iMac上进行的计时,运行OSX 10.10.4和bash 3.2.57,是1000次运行的平均值。


按执行时间升序列出(最快的先) 前缀: 米……一个潜在的多字符解决方案 年代……单字符解决方案 P…posix兼容的解决方案 接下来是对解决方案的简要描述 以原始答案的作者的名字作为后缀


[M, P] printf %.s= [dogbane]:                           0.0002
[M   ] printf + bash global substr. replacement [Tim]:  0.0005
[M   ] echo -n - brace expansion loop [eugene y]:       0.0007
[M   ] echo -n - arithmetic loop [Eliah Kagan]:         0.0013
[M   ] seq -f [Sam Salisbury]:                          0.0016
[M   ] jot -b [Stefan Ludwig]:                          0.0016
[M   ] awk - $(count+1)="=" [Steven Penny (variant)]:   0.0019
[M, P] awk - while loop [Steven Penny]:                 0.0019
[S   ] printf + tr [user332325]:                        0.0021
[S   ] head + tr [eugene y]:                            0.0021
[S, P] dd + tr [mklement0]:                             0.0021
[M   ] printf + sed [user332325 (comment)]:             0.0021
[M   ] mawk - $(count+1)="=" [Steven Penny (variant)]:  0.0025
[M, P] mawk - while loop [Steven Penny]:                0.0026
[M   ] gawk - $(count+1)="=" [Steven Penny (variant)]:  0.0028
[M, P] gawk - while loop [Steven Penny]:                0.0028
[M   ] yes + head + tr [Digital Trauma]:                0.0029
[M   ] Perl [sid_com]:                                  0.0059

只有bash的解决方案领先的包-但只有重复计数这么小!(见下文)。 外部实用程序的启动成本在这里很重要,特别是Perl的启动成本。如果必须在循环中调用它——每次迭代中重复次数很少——请避免使用multi-utility、awk和perl解决方案。


[M   ] Perl [sid_com]:                                  0.0067
[M   ] mawk - $(count+1)="=" [Steven Penny (variant)]:  0.0254
[M   ] gawk - $(count+1)="=" [Steven Penny (variant)]:  0.0599
[S   ] head + tr [eugene y]:                            0.1143
[S, P] dd + tr [mklement0]:                             0.1144
[S   ] printf + tr [user332325]:                        0.1164
[M, P] mawk - while loop [Steven Penny]:                0.1434
[M   ] seq -f [Sam Salisbury]:                          0.1452
[M   ] jot -b [Stefan Ludwig]:                          0.1690
[M   ] printf + sed [user332325 (comment)]:             0.1735
[M   ] yes + head + tr [Digital Trauma]:                0.1883
[M, P] gawk - while loop [Steven Penny]:                0.2493
[M   ] awk - $(count+1)="=" [Steven Penny (variant)]:   0.2614
[M, P] awk - while loop [Steven Penny]:                 0.3211
[M, P] printf %.s= [dogbane]:                           2.4565
[M   ] echo -n - brace expansion loop [eugene y]:       7.5877
[M   ] echo -n - arithmetic loop [Eliah Kagan]:         13.5426
[M   ] printf + bash global substr. replacement [Tim]:  n/a

The Perl solution from the question is by far the fastest. Bash's global string-replacement (${foo// /=}) is inexplicably excruciatingly slow with large strings, and has been taken out of the running (took around 50 minutes(!) in Bash 4.3.30, and even longer in Bash 3.2.57 - I never waited for it to finish). Bash loops are slow, and arithmetic loops ((( i= 0; ... ))) are slower than brace-expanded ones ({1..n}) - though arithmetic loops are more memory-efficient. awk refers to BSD awk (as also found on OSX) - it's noticeably slower than gawk (GNU Awk) and especially mawk. Note that with large counts and multi-char. strings, memory consumption can become a consideration - the approaches differ in that respect.

下面是生成上述代码的Bash脚本(testrepeat)。 它有两个参数:

字符重复计数 可选地,要执行的测试运行的数量,并从中计算平均时间

换句话说:上面的时间是用testrepeat 100 1000和testrepeat 1000000 1000得到的

#!/usr/bin/env bash

title() { printf '%s:\t' "$1"; }


# The number of repetitions of the input chars. to produce
COUNT_REPETITIONS=${1?Arguments: <charRepeatCount> [<testRunCount>]}

# The number of test runs to perform to derive the average timing from.

# Discard the (stdout) output generated by default.
# If you want to check the results, replace '/dev/null' on the following
# line with a prefix path to which a running index starting with 1 will
# be appended for each test run; e.g., outFilePrefix='outfile', which
# will produce outfile1, outfile2, ...



  title '[M, P] printf %.s= [dogbane]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  # !! In order to use brace expansion with a variable, we must use `eval`.
  eval "
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    printf '%.s=' {1..$COUNT_REPETITIONS} >"$outFile"

  title '[M   ] echo -n - arithmetic loop [Eliah Kagan]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    for ((i=0; i<COUNT_REPETITIONS; ++i)); do echo -n =; done >"$outFile"

  title '[M   ] echo -n - brace expansion loop [eugene y]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  # !! In order to use brace expansion with a variable, we must use `eval`.
  eval "
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    for i in {1..$COUNT_REPETITIONS}; do echo -n =; done >"$outFile"

  title '[M   ] printf + sed [user332325 (comment)]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    printf "%${COUNT_REPETITIONS}s" | sed 's/ /=/g' >"$outFile"

  title '[S   ] printf + tr [user332325]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    printf "%${COUNT_REPETITIONS}s" | tr ' ' '='  >"$outFile"

  title '[S   ] head + tr [eugene y]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    head -c $COUNT_REPETITIONS < /dev/zero | tr '\0' '=' >"$outFile"

  title '[M   ] seq -f [Sam Salisbury]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    seq -f '=' -s '' $COUNT_REPETITIONS >"$outFile"

  title '[M   ] jot -b [Stefan Ludwig]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    jot -s '' -b '=' $COUNT_REPETITIONS >"$outFile"

  title '[M   ] yes + head + tr [Digital Trauma]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    yes = | head -$COUNT_REPETITIONS | tr -d '\n'  >"$outFile"

  title '[M   ] Perl [sid_com]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    perl -e "print \"=\" x $COUNT_REPETITIONS" >"$outFile"

  title '[S, P] dd + tr [mklement0]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
    dd if=/dev/zero bs=$COUNT_REPETITIONS count=1 2>/dev/null | tr '\0' "=" >"$outFile"

  # !! On OSX, awk is BSD awk, and mawk and gawk were installed later.
  # !! On Linux systems, awk may refer to either mawk or gawk.
  for awkBin in awk mawk gawk; do
    if [[ -x $(command -v $awkBin) ]]; then

      title "[M   ] $awkBin"' - $(count+1)="=" [Steven Penny (variant)]'
      [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
      time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
        $awkBin -v count=$COUNT_REPETITIONS 'BEGIN { OFS="="; $(count+1)=""; print }' >"$outFile"

      title "[M, P] $awkBin"' - while loop [Steven Penny]'
      [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
      time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
        $awkBin -v count=$COUNT_REPETITIONS 'BEGIN { while (i++ < count) printf "=" }' >"$outFile"


  title '[M   ] printf + bash global substr. replacement [Tim]'
  [[ $outFile != '/dev/null' ]] && outFile="$outFilePrefix$((++ndx))"
  # !! In Bash 4.3.30 a single run with repeat count of 1 million took almost
  # !! 50 *minutes*(!) to complete; n Bash 3.2.57 it's seemingly even slower -
  # !! didn't wait for it to finish.
  # !! Thus, this test is skipped for counts that are likely to be much slower
  # !! than the other tests.
  [[ $BASH_VERSINFO -le 3 && COUNT_REPETITIONS -gt 1000 ]] && skip=1
  [[ $BASH_VERSINFO -eq 4 && COUNT_REPETITIONS -gt 10000 ]] && skip=1
  if (( skip )); then
    echo 'n/a' >&2
    time for (( n = 0; n < COUNT_RUNS; n++ )); do 
      { printf -v t "%${COUNT_REPETITIONS}s" '='; printf %s "${t// /=}"; } >"$outFile"
} 2>&1 | 
 sort -t$'\t' -k2,2n | 
   awk -F $'\t' -v count=$COUNT_RUNS '{ 
    printf "%s\t", $1; 
    if ($2 ~ "^n/a") { print $2 } else { printf "%.4f\n", $2 / count }}' |
     column -s$'\t' -t



大括号展开可用于整型字面值: 对于I在{1..100};执行echo -n =;完成 类c循环允许使用变量: 开始= 1 结束= 100 ((我= $开始;我< = $结束;我+ +));执行echo -n =;完成


printf '=%.0s' {1..100}

在这里指定精度将截断字符串以适应指定的宽度(0)。当printf重用格式字符串以使用所有参数时,这将简单地打印"=" 100次。

使用head (printf, etc)和tr:

head -c 100 < /dev/zero | tr '\0' '='
printf %100s | tr " " "="